Entite Chapter 20

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It wasn't until what he was sure had to be hours later that he heard a knock on the door. He set straight up and looked around the room. There wasn't a clock. "What time is it?"

"It's almost six in the morning, sunrise is at six thirty, I hadn't realized the hour had drawn so late." Jacob stood and removed his gun then handed it over to him before he peaked out the peephole. "It's a man, human, he appears to be alone."

James stood and placed the gun in the waist of his jeans behind his back. He walked over to the door and pulled it open. The other three men sat around the room as if nothing at all were amiss about a stranger knocking on their hotel room door at six in the morning.

"Can we help you?" To say that the man looked uncomfortable would be an understatement. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other then sighed.

"Do you know a Mira Costa?" James looked around and when he saw no one else he pulled the guy in by the front of the shirt and slammed the door behind him. He shoved him down on the bed next to Seamus who already had his own gun drawn and pointed right at him. He pulled out his own.

"Who are you? Who sent you here?" The guy honestly looked like he was about to piss his pants. He cringed away from the two pointed weapons only to see that Fenton was standing at the foot of the bed, and Jacob standing behind it protectively in front of Mira. He wrapped his arms over his head and curled into a ball.

"Don't shoot me please, dammit I knew I shouldn't have come here, this is insane." James handed his gun to his uncle and knelt down in front of the much smaller man and forced his hands away from his face.

"No one's going to shoot you, unless you don't start talking, now who are you and who sent you here?

"My names Richard, Richard Wolfe, and uh." He sighed. "Do you guys know a guy named Eddie Wayland?" James legs gave out and he fell back onto his ass.

"Mr. Wayland is dead, and unless you want to join him, I suggest you start talking." Jacob said coldly from behind him.

"Eddie?" James scrambled to his feet when he heard that weak voice coming from Mira. He ran over to the bed to see her eyes were opened and her head was turned toward the stranger.

"Mir?" She turned toward him then and looked up into his eyes, hers were a little glassy. He smiled when she reached up and put a hand on his cheek. She looked past him.

"James, who is he, why did he say Eddie's name?" He shook his head.

"Never mind that right now Mir, how do you feel?" She looked back up at him.

"Confused, weak, tired, my head is killing me. What happened James?"

"Perhaps, we should wait to discuss it until our guest has explained what he is doing here." Mira turned her head toward her grandfather.

"Why are Master Fenton and Seamus pointing guns at our guest?" She asked and started to try to stir.

"Mira, don't try to get up yet, your head..." He growled when she ignored him. He shifted in the bed till he was leaning into the headboard. He pulled her slowly into his lap and leaned her into his chest.

Jacob retrieved his water cup from earlier and he had to help her hold it up to drink. She was still that weak. When she was done she turned to Richard, and he reluctantly did the same.

"Why did you mention Eddie? He's been dead for over three months now." The man looked uncomfortable.

"I, well you see." He turned his head to the side. "Shut up, I'll get to it."

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