Entite Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

James took a deep breath before heading around the side of the barn and creeping toward the front. His gun was raised, but he still couldn't sense anyone nearby. There was a small padlock on the door, enough to keep those inside from escaping, but easy enough for him to break. When he did it gave an audible metallic squeal.

He backed up back to the side of the building and looked around. Surely to god someone had heard that sound. No one came rushing out to the barn though which meant one of two things. They were very distracted doing something else, or this was a trap. He sighed, trap or not they had to save these people. He rushed back around and opened the door before quickly ducking inside.

He was scared to even whisper, his own hearing was great, but a vampire's was at least five times as good, and he was scared of making the slightest noise. But the cries of those inside amped up when he stepped inside, he could hardly just grab them and drag them out so he didn't have a choice. He lowered his gun, sticking it in the waist of his jeans then held his hands up.

"Quiet, it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to get you out." One man stepped forward. He was weak, but nearly as big as his uncle was. He seemed in better shape than any of the others here. The way he carried himself, even dirty and bloody, he'd obviously been a soldier at some point.

"Who are you?" He whispered back, James shook his head.

"That's not important is it?" He looked around, there were nine standing along the walls, and three on the ground. He stepped forward and went to his knees beside the closest one, he didn't have a pulse.

"Harold's dead, so is Cecil, Bethany still had a pulse as of an hour ago." The man said as he walked to the girls' side. He started to kneel down but nearly fell, James steadied him then bent to check the girls pulse, it was weak but there.

"We don't have much time, I'll carry her. I'm going to get you all out of here, but we have to be quick, and quiet, got it?" He asked, turning to the others, they nodded. "The ones of you with more strength help the others, it's about a thirty-minute walk out." The man from before turned.

"Don't you have a vehicle?" He shook his head.

"Just keep up alright." He managed to get them out of the barn and a good distance into the woods before the man spoke again, it was safer now, but still he didn't speak above a whisper.

"Something tells me you're not a cop." The man said and he shook his head.

"Not exactly." He said but refused to elaborate.

"But something also tells me you know what was going on back there." He shrugged. "See, we're all covered in bite marks, and you didn't even ask about that." He sighed. and spoke a little louder now.

"About that, you all know you can't say anything right? About what happened." This would be the part where he'd call in a cleanup crew to give them all the talk about remaining quiet. They were wanted men, and didn't have that luxury. "I mean you can talk if you want, but you know how you'll sound. It's better for everyone if you come up with a story. Stay as close to the truth as you can, but leave out the parts that you know sound crazy."

"We were held captive by a vampire." One of the women in the back said, he opened his mouth to tell her there was no such thing when she interrupted. "You have a stake sticking out of your back pocket, so I don't want to hear your lies." He closed his mouth and sighed.

"You need to know, he's not the only one of them out there, and they don't like it when people start talking about them."

"That sounds like a threat." Another man said and he shrugged his shoulders.

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