Entite Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Two weeks had passed since she learned of the life growing inside her. The others had checked the majority of the unoccupied properties within their search area with no luck whatsoever. It was morning, just after sunrise. She was stir crazy already. She wasn't used to just sitting around doing nothing, and especially not while those she cared about might be in danger.

She placed a hand on her stomach. This little one had to be her top priority right now. She couldn't let anything happen to herself. She healed quickly, but the same likely couldn't be said for the baby. She looked up with a relieved sigh when James and Seamus walked in.

They'd gotten there just before dawn like they always did, but had left shortly after to get breakfast. Well dinner for them seeing as how they'd be going to sleep soon. Seamus gave her a smile as he kicked his shoes off tiredly by his bed. James sat the bag down and leaned down to kiss her before kneeling in front of her to do the same thing to her stomach. He'd done the same thing every day since learning of the child growing within her.

"I got you two sandwiches like you asked, but we should seriously start considering getting you something healthier." He said, pulling the food out of the bag. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"When you get pregnant you eat whatever you want, I'm having sausage and biscuits." She said, causing Seamus to laugh from his bed.

"Just wait till she wants a peanut butter milkshake and French fries at four in the morning." Seamus said, patting James on the back. "Or rather four in the afternoon considering our sleep schedule." Mira shook her head and turned on the television.

There still wasn't much on it of interest, but she'd found herself watching it more often as the others left her there by herself. Well, not entirely by herself. She'd felt Eddie's presence with her often. She did end up watching the news every morning before bed though, just looking for anything out of the ordinary. She'd just unwrapped her second sandwich and pulled it to her lips when she heard it.

"We've got some breaking news folks that's definitely a bit bizarre." The newscaster said with a confused expression as she stared down at the piece of paper in her hands. "It seems a baffling crime took place earlier this morning, around four am in downtown gator falls. That may or may not have ties to a multiple kidnapping case from weeks ago. Our own Mitch McConnell is standing by at the scene Mitch." She put her sandwich down in her lap and felt James's hand on her lower back.

"Thanks Debbie, okay folks i'm standing here across the street from the Beanville coffee shop in Gator falls. A distraught and frightened witness tells us that when she and her coworker arrived here for their shift this morning, an unknown man attacked her coworker.

"Sadly the woman, twenty-three year old Rebeca Sabine did not survive. The description the witness gave police was startlingly similar to the ones given by the kidnapping victims we reported about a few weeks ago, who just so happened to come to this very coffee shop after their escape. I have to caution you folks that the things she has to say are disturbing, so if you have young children listening, or are faint of heart, you may want to change the channel."

A young woman appeared on the screen. Her mascara had been running down her face with her tears, and she was trembling. "We were heading inside when this guy just appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her. He, bit her, there was so much blood." She sobbed out. Mira felt sick, and it had nothing to do with the baby.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that. Did he say anything?" The woman nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around herself.

"It didn't make any sense. He looked right at me, there was blood all over his face." The girl said going even paler. "He said, tell them when the sun goes down he would be waiting for them in his throne room. He made me repeat it and swear I would deliver the message." Mira stood and made her way outside, it was the middle of the day so she would be safe enough.

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