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"you're going to love his house, Cheech!" Troy exclaims as he walks ahead of us.

Landon had offered to have us over to his house. he said he still lives with his parents while he goes to college. but he does everything remotely online. He said his parents were on their last trip for summer before coming back home and going back to their normal lives.

We make our way up to a large home. nothing too extravagant but it definitely was bigger than mine and Troy's houses. it made me kind of lightly wonder how exactly him and Troy met. mainly because i am extremely nosey and i just always feel like there is more to the story than just meeting him before summer and suddenly they're like best friends. barf. I am Troy's best friend. ME!

Landon walks up to the door and quickly turns the doorknob and opens the door to the home. "welcome to the crib." Landon says with a small laugh not far behind his words.

russia quickly grips my hand. she seemed nervous and on edge. either the drugs are rushing through her a lot harder than she anticipated or she is genuinely freaking out at the thought of going to Landon's house party that he was telling us about.

Once we stepped foot into the house, my eyes curiously begin to take in as much as i could. it was such a pretty house. it was so open, so bright. the walls were all painted a clean white while everything was accented with dark and light greys. it was that type of house you didn't want to touch anything at all. it was a hallmark home.

Not to be stereotypical but it just seems like from the looks of Landon that this is not what he came from. he looked like the pure definition of a bad boy. the leather, the black, the tattoos, the mystery. he just seemed like he wouldn't come from the perfect polished look like this home has. but who am i to judge?

"let me show you guys around." Landon smiles at us. We began to make it through the house, first when you walk in to your left is the office his dad works in. he says that his dad works from home. to the left was a sun room. perfect for mornings i would say. Landon says that his mom meditates in there every single morning to start her day. then you walk through the extremely open common room. then the steps leading up to the bedrooms. once you walk past those to the left was the kitchen and then the large dining area. to the right was what landon said was the gaming room. 

   we make our way to the back of the house, listening to Landon go on about his home, his school work and whatever he was rambling on about. honestly i was too stuck in taking in his beautiful home. I wasn't jealous for myself but for my mom. She would die over this house.

I stop in my tracks as i notice the gorgeous chandelier, it sparkled as the bright fluorescent light hits it. it had to be so expensive, so heavy. it was so elegant it was something you would see in a fancy ballroom hall. i stood right at the table directly beneath it. I'm not sure if it was the drugs or my obsession with sparkly things but i felt like i was in a trance. basking in all its glory.

"never seen a chandelier before?" a voice asks behind me, making me jump.

    I abruptly turn around locking eyes with a tall brunette. his hair was a loose and fluffy curly on top, his sides were shorter but not buzzed. his skin was a soft pale, just like Landon's now that i look he looked a lot like Landon. his eyes were a darker green. he had a small smirk planted on his face while looking at me.

"not one like that. it's really pretty" i gush.  i quickly turn my head to look back up at it. i wonder what made this random kid walk up to me out of all people.

"uhm, so like... who are you?" the boy questions me, his voice cracking slightly at the awkwardness in his tone.

"o-oh im cheech. i came with Landon and our friend Troy.." i respond quickly. i look back at him. "Landon lives here. maybe i should ask you who you are." i smirk at him.

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