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just a heads up. i am one of those annoying writers that do small things that are a big deal to people. i most of the time don't go through my drafts and fix typos, grammatical errors, etc. i also don't capitalize at the beginning of every sentence because i do write from my phone. i appreciate for the reads and i hope you enjoy. thank you :-)


My heart beats rapidly as my arms move around to the beat of the music heavily filling up my ears. My eyes stay shut as my body feels like it is going a million miles a minute but everything feels so alive. so real.

the lights. they're just bright. but not in like a painful blinding way, more like.. blissful. bright. everything is so much more intense. but in an uplifting way. i can feel the tingling sensation running up and down my spine. i feel everything but nothing at once.


my eyes dart over to Russia beside me. my mind running with a million thoughts before i lean close. she started going on about something. lack of attention on my end. but i can't help but watch the tinsel in her long brunette hair sparkle and beam with the rainbow lights waving around the club.

"are you listening??" she shouts louder at me catching my attention. once my eyes meet here we laugh uncontrollably, leaning on one another to keep each other up.

   she grabs my hand quickly as we make our way through the endless crowd of people. once we reach the back of the club we end up in the line of the bathroom. Russia turns to me and smiles.

"do you like my top? i mean i know it's pretty popular. i at least seen three other girls wearing it but.." russia shrugs before running her hands down her metallic purple top. it's tight on her, only stopping right below her breasts. it doesn't cover much but we're in a club with two hundred other sweating humans. you can't expect us to cover up.

"it looks great on you. really makes your boobs look fuller!" i shout at her over the thumps of the music. i eye her body a few times.

i wish i had that body.

"do you know where troy is? wasn't he supposed to be here?" russia asks, her eyes trail around the place.

i anxiously tap my fingers against each other while i shrug my shoulders. "i'm not sure. he said he was but he's wishy washy."

troy is one of my old friends. we lived in the same neighborhood growing up, rode the same bus, shit we had sleep overs when we were younger. until our parents thought we were too old and thought we'd end up having sex. which definitely wasn't on my agenda considering that he always ended up hooking up and dating my girl friends that i had. which caused a lot of my friendships with them to end up shit.

"finally we're next! i have to fucking pee!" russia shouts snapping me out of my thoughts.

i peep over her shoulder to see two girls together ahead of us. i know russia really doesn't have to pee. shit, half this line doesn't have to pee. they just want to make sure they look okay considering we're all sweaty and under the influence of some type of illegal substance.

once we step into the bathroom russia drags me along to one of the stalls. we stumble in slamming and locking the door behind us. quickly, she pulls out her phone and a small baggie with a white powdered substance in it.

"do you want a bump?" she asks with a large smile on her face, she pulls her keys out from her bag as well, jingling them around until finding her house key.

"no." i respond. "i'm not doing that type of shit anymore."

she scoffs and turns to me "and why not?"

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