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  So, I guess i didn't mention this before but Russia's real name is Beatrice, but she goes by Bea, outside of the clubs. She was named after her mom's childhood dog. Ironic, huh? You'd think that she would be named after a great grandma or something. but no. She was named after her moms dead childhood dog. should i also mention that the dog was a three-legged Jack Russell? It got hit by a big Dodge truck and somehow survived. Bea's parents are also drug addicts. Bea is back and forth between my house and her Nana's most of the time, trying to avoid her parents at all costs. Her Nana truly does spoil her, buys her all new clothes, shoes, newest phones, etcetera. But do you blame her? Nana cries all the time, wondering where she went wrong with Bea's mom.

   Bea and I met up in the commons by the front doors of the school. Her eyes instantly lit up when meeting mine and she rushed over to me quickly with a large smile planted on her face.

"Last first day of school El! Aren't you so excited? this is gonna be our year. I can feel it!" she gleams, grabbing onto my hands and squeezing them in excitement.

"I guess, yeah. I mean it's just another school year. But like-"

"Just another school year?" Bea laughed, cutting me off. "You're insane! This is our last year of high school and you act like it's just another year of life like we're 46 years old or something."

   I roll my eyes, laughing at her softly before reaching in my bag and grabbing out my schedule. My eyes scan it before folding it up and putting it in my back pocket. "i think we should head to first period. You're in Anatomy first period too, right?"

"Yep! We have 6 classes together, and Lunch. The only thing we don't have together is seventh period and that's because you decided to switch out theatre for health class." Bea gags, using her pointer finger to point at her throat while "gagging"

"Well I kind of need it to graduate." I laugh at her before linking my arm with hers and walking down the hallway.

"Well you should've taken it freshman year like a smart person." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Well I am not the smartest." I say sarcastically before turning down another hallway with her, shoveling through the groups of teenagers and lost freshman.

We walk in together to class, sitting down at a table in the back of class. The tables were big enough to sit three people at long ways. We set our bags down at our feet and began to talk.

"So, are we both to the point where we can talk about Troy and I kissing and you storming out the way you did?" Bea asks, she starts fidgeting with her bracelet.

I eye her for a second, I lean over and put my hand on top of hers. "I promise i'm not mad. I was just shocked and not sober at all. Plus I just get worried, Troy is a whore. And you know this! I've told you so many times and i'm not gonna be stuck in the middle of you two."

"Ellie, nothing is gonna happen between us like that. I think he's super cute but you know neither of us are looking for anything at all." she smiles, leaning her shoulder into mine. "I would never do anything to sabotage our friendship or your friendship with Troy."

"I trust you both. Completely! It just makes me feel weird seeing my two best friends swap spit." I laugh before feeling her finger smack up against my lips and her shushing me. We both begin to giggle looking around making sure no one was looking at us.

"Soo.." She trails off, looking at me with a suspicious smile. "Did anything happen between you and hottie outside that night?"

Hottie? Who the hell is hottie?

"You know, Landon's little brother!" she whispers excited. "I noticed you wearing his hoodie when we left their house!"

"His name is Lane," i laugh quietly, i look down at my ripped pants and begin to trace my exposed skin. "And no, nothing would happen between us. He's hot as hell and i'm-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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