Family's Trip

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<Greetings everyone. Welcome to my first one shot in this book. I am honored thyself has chosen to read my work. Kinda short tho :(>

"... Powder, I am telling you one more time. How in the everliving shit can you wear a sports bra now? It's goddamn winter, you're gonna get a cold!"

Vi and Jinx were arguing, again. They were both in the blue haired girl's room. It all started some time ago, when Jinx called Darry and invited her here. Darry came, of course, a little cold because of the outside, but warming up wasn't a problem. Jinx dragged her to her room: a medium sized room, full of trinkets, messy sketches and clothes everywhere. Jinx wasn't really the person to clean her room...

Vi wanted to chat a little with Jinx and Darry, but as soon as she entered her sister's room, she saw her in the worst thing you could wear during winter - her favourite, a black crop top she seemed to have copies of.

Vi didn't want Jinx to catch a cold because of it, so she politely suggested Jinx to take a long-sleeved shirt, or a sweater, or literally anything as long as it's long-sleeved.

But was Jinx going to listen?

Of course not. So here they were, arguing on this small matter for almost 14 minutes already.

Darry tried calming them down and telling Vi it's alright, but she soon realised it's useless. When Vi gets into a fight, she wins it, no but's, no if's.

"Okay, 'sister',one, my name is Jinx now, two, you can't tell me what to wear when you wear... What you wear. It's horrible. three? It's warm here, outside is cold. And four?? It's called a crop top. "

"I'm just trying to help-"

"Well i don't need fashion tips." Jinx interrupts her sister, getting on the bed, jumping while throwing pencils at Vi.

"These are not fashion tips!"

Darry is used to it.

Silco is done with the girls' fights.

He was in his room, that just happened to be next Jinx's room, so he heard their yelling the loudest.

He was so done with it.

Silco closes his eyes, places the book he was reading on the nightstand and walks to Jinx's room. He tried to be as calm as he could be.

Just as he wanted to open the door to his daughter's room, he heard something... Unexpected.

"Owwwh, buh-huh, says the one that kissed the enforcer last night~" a teasing voice was heard, muffled by the door.

Silco gulps, struggling to find the last drop of his courage. He opens the door and clears his throat.

"Jinx, get off the bed, Vi stop arguing with her, and Darry, didn't I tell you to calm them down if they start arguing?" His gaze was over the girls. Vi and Darry immediately stopped what they were doing when they heard Silco's voice. But Jinx wasn't gonna stop.

"I don't wanna." Jinx spoke, childishly. She crossed her arms and threw Silco an 'angery' look.

"Well, yes, you told me, and I did try to do so, but if I continued, Vi would have punched me in my face." Darry protested, turning her gaze from Silco to her sketchbook.

"Vi... I told you to stop using violence." Silco sighs, dissapointed.

"But you can't spell violence without 'vi'!" Jinx spoke, giving Vi mischievous looks, while somehow looking innocent, as a child.

"Oh- that's it, I'm done." Vi's momentary wellness flew out of the window. She makes her way behind Silco and leaves her sister's room, while mumbling things like 'that punk..', 'I'm done.'.

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