Random headcanons and ideas I have

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Not a one-shot chapter. But surely, i will write fics based on some of these, probably when I'll get better on time, heh.

These are either related to modern au, or just the canon world.

Some of these are wholesome, others are on crack.

And because I like adding my own character + my friend's, I'll divide the headcanons in two categories, with and without OC's.

~with OC's.

1. Everybody besides Silco and Darry is shit at cooking. They'll burn the kitchen, punch the flour bags, overcook popcorn, literally the kitchen on fire. Silco of course knows how to cook a lot of dishes, follows recipes and does everything exactly as it should. Darry, on the other side is a more 'interesting' chef. She'll follow the basics of the recipes, but add her own twists to it. Knows how to make desserts the best, knowing a good recipe for pancakes, lavacakes and cupcakes.

3. Jinx will call everybody at her place and organise a karaoke night. She'll trick Silco into singing Dirty Little Animals, will duet with Ekko on Dynasties and Dystopia just because. She'll sing loud and aggressive and if she'll be in a awesomely good mood, she'll also dance. Silco would probably not sing, well, only if Jinx tricks him. He would probably start awkwardly. Ekko would be a good rapper. Vi would just watch, or duet with Caitlyn if she wants. Sevika- i think she'll be out, smoking. She'll never sing, not even drunk.

3. Darry got a bigass flesh wound. She wanted to bandage it normally, but Jinx wanted to help. She stapled Darry's wound. It was a painful experience, to say the least.

4. What if they played Genshin Impact?
Kat would be a Lisa main, JAPANESE LISA. Xinyan is in her team all the time, whale. WHALES FOR C6 LISA
Darry mains Chongyun and Venti, wants Klee, f2p ass.
Jinx is a Klee main. She ENJOYS it. She enjoys murdering every boss in the game. EVERYTHING. F2P as well
Silco would only play because Jinx told him to. Mains Zhongli or Diluc.
Vi would be undoubtedly a Beidou main.
Caitlyn is a whale and mains Jean, doesn't mind losing 50/50.

5. Kat and Darry communicate using vines. Sometimes Jinx too.
Here's a draft of a dialogue i made real quick.
D- I am feeling very freshavacado rn
J- i see. I think I'm a lesbian.
K-... I thought you were a Zaunite.

6. Darry tried to learn russian, Filipino and chinese, didn't work. She will swear in russian or filipinese whenever she is angry tho. Phrases like 'putang ina', 'cyka blyat', she will also swear in romanian, consider it.. Courtesy of the author ;)
'Morții m-ăti azi, Jinx, did you steal my sketches again?'

~without OC's.

1. Jinx owns a sound system.

2. Silco gets nail polish for Jinx, he probably can also fabricate it :>

3. Jinx WILL NOT wear hoodies/sweaters. She'll wear crop tops, sleeveless shirts and such, no matter how cold it gets.

4. Silco doesn't want Jinx to start smoking.

5. Jinx has a set of photos of everyone doing cringy stuff, so she can use them to bribe the people into doing stuff she likes.

6. Jinx had a Fnaf/mlp phase, yall cant convince me otherwise.

7. Silco wanted to help little Powder doing homeworks, but she didn't need help :<

8. One time, Silco got drunk and told Sevika to throw Jinx out of the window. She almost did it, Jinx wasn't very happy.

9. Jinx has TONS of plushies.

10. Jinx showed Silco memes, and one time, when Jinx was alone in her room, he entered and said 'Are you winning, Jinx?' While she was having a mental breakdown.

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