Chapter 26

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Third Person

"Really, when you look at it this way, the plan is quite simple."

Virgil didn't remember when glorified extortion and political manipulation became anything other than a war crime, but he definitely didn't think now was the time to question it. Granted, that could just be because it didn't look like Janus was going to stop for long to acknowledge an interruption.

"The Sidero's have already sent word of their attendance weeks ago, probably to wriggle their way into more trade agreements, and we can use that time to put Melanie in particular in the hot seat. I'll try to get some information out of her and if that doesn't get me anywhere, I'll give the signal for you two to come out to hopefully throw her off enough to get a reaction," And what better place could there be to give someone what they deserve than a meeting to keep up relations between monarchs?

"And how do you know this won't backfire?" Virgil challenges, "As far as we know, the majority of families in attendance could be supportive or tolerant of their potential transgressions."

"I don't. I don't know how I would know for sure as to how exactly this will work out for us, but I'd like to think I have a fair understanding of our fellow royalty. I'm confident that no matter where their loyalties lie, they wouldn't mind getting rid of some of the power-hungry competition, especially if they think it'll make them look better. And few things garner more admiration and respect than helping to weaken some tyrannical b@stards that attempted to have the prince of Ouranious killed," While most of Janus's opinions meant very little to Virgil, he had little choice but to trust this one. Regardless of how recently he had befriended Janus, it would be better to go along with him for the sake of experience than stick it out on his own.

"That may have attempted," Virgil corrected, "We'll still need to confirm it was them before anything, and I think we both understand that it would be best to do so subtly," He stressed.

"You say that as though I'd handle the situation any other way," He sounded almost offended, and it would have been much easier to call him on the sarcasm had he not seen the man break  apart only the day before, "Obviously the Sidero's wouldn't take kindly to questioning, especially if they're actually innocent. Well, innocent in this scenario. They could also easily use it as leverage against both of us too, once you reveal yourself to still be among the living. I know how to approach this situation, and I swear to you that for as many enemies as you may already have without knowing, I won't be among them," He removed one golden-yellow glove, offering his hand out to Virgil.

He shook it, wondering if he'd ever fully understand the weight that the skin-to-skin contact held.

- - -

It was a relief to know Janus' parents hadn't minded Virgil and Roman's unplanned visit. However, he failed to guess that his sisters would be ecstatic to have visitors. Isa and Esther Vera were inseparable when it was convenient for them, mostly when they were both determined to interfere with their dear older brother's studies. Befriending (or tormenting) new guests, especially when they weren't here strictly for business and wouldn't get in as much, if any, trouble happened to be another one of these situations. Otherwise, they could be as disagreeing as the most bitter rivals, but still end up in the other's room when they needed comfort. It confused Janus to no end, and Virgil arguably more so as an only child.

"Is there any chance you'd consider finding a new protector?"

For what were questionable reasons at best, Esther had decided to take advantage of their company by convincing Virgil and Roman to teach her the art of sword fighting. They hadn't meant to catch her interest and be faced with a determined thirteen year old, simply sparring to pass the time. Virgil had been curious to see how Roman would fare with one arm, and the guard was confident he would emerge victorious even without his typical trick. The fight had barely begun before she'd stormed outside, Isa following much slower behind her. She had immediately grabbed a sword, promptly put it back when it was heavier than she was expecting, chose another, and demanded that one of them 'teach her the ways of the blade.'

"I think that's more up to him than me," Virgil told her. Roman had been much more excited at the idea of taking on a student, and much less concerned about the consequences of arming a minor.

She looked at Roman expectantly, "For as honored as I am by this opportunity, and for as sure as I am that you'd be nicer to me than certain other royals," A playful glare at Virgil, "I'm afraid I have to decline. My dear liege will certainly perish shortly if left on his own, it is my responsibility to ensure he doesn't die as a result of his own stupidity," He tells her woefully.

"It is a wonder you haven't been executed yet, talking like that," Isa observes, intrigued. It was the first time she had spoken since settling down on a bench to watch.

"He wouldn't have me executed, I'm too good-looking," Roman tells her confidently, openly winking at Virgil.

"Accidents happen," The prince warns, resisting the urge to look over when he hears Isa writing something down.

"All the more reason for me to keep my skills sharp," He reasons, blocking another practice strike, "Thank you for assisting me in that regard, my lady."

Esther laughs, "It's no problem. Isa, come fight me!"

"You've had, at most, an hour of experience in sword fighting, why do you think it's a good idea to fight anyone?" She asks in response instead of getting up as Esther tugs her arm.

She releases Isa temporarily, puffing up her chest, "Because you haven't had any experience in sword fighting."

Virgil shrugs when Isa looks at him as though he has any sort of will to stop this, "She's got a point."

They watched the twins continue to argue as they got closer to the rack of weaponry, "Guess this means we get to finish our rematch."

"Unless they use real swords, then I'll leave you to supervise while I look for the castle medic," Virgil corrects, relieved when Isa appears to convince her twin to switch to the carved sticks, "Looks like it's my lucky day."

"Your lucky day?" Roman questions with a smile as Virgil picks up his sword. It wasn't quite as light as he was used to, but a heavier blade might do him some good here. Roman wouldn't be able to block as hard of hits with only one arm so the extra heft could add some power.

"Yeah, I don't have to worry as much about being hunted down and chased out of Correo because one of the princesses got hurt around us, and I'm about to kick your a$$," He says, appreciating the win-win scenario.

"I don't think I've ever heard you be this confident before. It's a shame it's misplaced," Roman wipes a fake tear from his eye.

"It's a shame you think you're just as skilled with one arm as you are with two," Raising his blade, Virgil makes a point of putting both hands on the hilt.

He pouts, "That wasn't necessary."

Virgil smiles, "I disagree."

A/N: Ever notice how the Vera's have a tendency to speak directly to Virgil instead of addressing him and Roman, even when talking about Roman sometimes? Weird... But fr at first this was largely accidental when writing Janus's character, because he needed to interact with V not Ro, but I decided to make it more of a thing to help highlight the differences in not only culture but someone as naive and decent as Virgil to someone much more calculating and high-class as Janus.

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