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As Aiden walked into school eyes of teachers and students tainted him with sorrow. Many thought they knew what had happened but no one knew because he hadn't spoken to anyone about it so it was just spread and twisted rumors.

Still, the looks made Aiden self-conscious, he had never been that popular so he assumed they must have at least found out about what happened with his mom.

With the constant thought of his mom, he was left feeling nauseous so he walked to the bathroom in fear of puking in front of a crowd but it was just another false alarm. He fiddled with his back pocket wanting to smoke his thoughts away until his lungs were practically screaming for help right then and there but he didn't. He'd just decided to take a short mental break and sit on one of the toilets with the stall door locked and think about what he was feeling.

The baffled faces that were left behind confused Izaac and Isabela as they entered the school.

"Is it just me or does it seem down?" The hazel-eyed boy whispered to Isabela as they walked to their lockers.

The twins didn't like to indulge in rumors or any school drama for that matter because many rumors had been made about them. They knew that believing in them could mean believing in lies and lies just created trouble. Which is something the twins tried their hardest to avoid. While their best friends on the only hand were all one for drama, the two had teamed up in 8th grade just to talk about drama.

Isabela just nodded toward her brother in response while searching for her basketball teammates who just waved at her to come over.

"Yo, ima catch you later, k? ok, Bye." Isabela rushed out but just as she was about to walk away someone bumped into her. She pulled her braids up into a bun getting a better look down to see a short chubby hijabi girl on the floor, while also showing off her undercut.

"oh- I'm so sorry, I didn't see you," Isabela said quickly bending down to help the small girl up.

"No, no it's my fought. I'm sorry, I'm such a klutz." The shorter girl said as she fixed her glasses.

"No really its ok, it's most likely my fought- um.." Isabela stammered from not knowing the girl's name and trying to remember if she had even ever seen her before.

"oh sorry, It's Nadia. I'm new here." The shorter girl stated in embarrassment trying to hide behind the schedule in her hand.

"That's a beautiful name. I am Isabela Lovejoy." Isabela said with a smile as she stepped behind the shorter girl, looking down at her schedule.

"Junior? I have most of these classes. And I had some of these classes last year, just not in this order. I can show you around if you would like?" Isabela stated while she continued to study Nadia's schedule.

"um, ok.." Nadia hesitated as she flushed.

"I just gotta do something first," Isabela said before she walked over to her teammates and told them their meet was going to be delayed until after 3rd period since that was a break period. She knew that she could have just shown Nadia around during the 3rd-period break but Isabela had already been thinking about switching them around for the simple fact that the break was longer than the time they had before class. They all watched her walk back over to Nadia and some jokingly whistled as Isabela guided the short hijabi I down the hall from behind her. The Carmel-eyed girl just rolled her eyes and flipped her teammates off.

Izaac chuckled at Isabela's actions and picked up the gym bag she left behind and threw it over his shoulder. He knew she would come running to him asking him where she left it and he loved seeing his sister in a worried state so he decided to just keep it.

"Hey, Izaac!" A chirpy and somewhat seductive voice said from behind the hazel-eyed boy causing him to sigh inwardly.

"Hey, Chelsea what's up?" Izaac said sweetly with his beautiful bright smile.

He had learned to naturally code-switch depending on who he was around. In this case, it was a girl who constantly pushed herself onto him. He only tolerated it because her parents partnered with his, both of which wanted them to one day get married, and also the fact that she was Isabela's best friend.

"There is this party after your sister's game on Friday to celebrate their win.." The doe-eyed girl started as she spun her brown hair in circles around the tip of her finger.

"That's crazy they haven't even won their game that's today." Izaac rolled his eyes at how much faith this school had in the team.

"Shut up you know they will, anyway that's not the point are you coming or not?" Chelsea said with a roll of her eyes.

"If Izzy's there, I'm there." The hazel-eyed boy said as he shut his locker with a smile and walked away from the short, brown-haired girl.

The Mayor's KidsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon