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"It smells like ass in here and it's leaking out to the halls," Isabel said as she opened the women's locker room door, gently pinching her nose.

"I think Joe has athlete's foot, Cap." A red-haired girl said with a smirk as she pulled her jersey over her head.

"Shut the hell up frizz." The teen known as joe said while throwing a towel toward the redhead's face.

Isabel started to chuckle at the two before she realized she had walked in empty-handed. Earlier today at practice she noticed but her wardrobe consists of basketball shorts and sweats anyway so she just practiced what she had on.

"Fuck me." The caramel-eyed girl groaned while running out of the locker room that soon filled with knowing laughter seeing as though this was a common thing for her.

It was about 30 minutes before the game and the bleachers had already been full thus making it harder for Isabela to search for her brother.

He on the other hand saw his frantic twin searching for him with only her eyes causing him to laugh.

"The hell is you laughing at I haven't even got to the good part." Said a raven-haired boy as he turned his head to the source of his friend's laugh.

"Your sister is so hot bro. I could just-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Lee," Izzac warned with a blank stare before standing up and yelling his sister's name.

Isabela was always a clumsy mess and not to mention very disorganized. She was always losing stuff, that she had moments ago and she never seems to look in front of her while walking causing her to crash. But even through all this she could still play some basketball, good.

As for the situation now her only motive was to search for her brother. So as you would guess the clumsy single-minded girl was knocking people over left and right, a sorry here an apology there, but she soon ran into a shoulder that stopped her in her tracks almost making her lose track of her goal.

People around the two gasped and pointed at the sight but Isabela just apologized and walked away, now seeing her brother who looked confused, and Lee who looked like his eyes was about to pop out of the sockets.

"Zac where is my bag." Isabel sighed while throwing her head back and placing a hand on her hip before Izzac pulled a bag from under his feet and handed it to her.

"Why are you so dumb," Lee said with the suck of his teeth still staring, along with Izzac, at the boy Isabela bumped into.

"Because my brain shrinks a little every time I get taller. You just wouldn't understand Liam." Isabel stated with a smirk before running away to bump into more people.

Lee let off a string of swearing in a manner that made him look like a teenage toddler.

Lee was 5"4 (162.56) while Isabela was 5"10 (177.8) but that never stopped him from trying to flirt with her. Izzac was only a few centimeters taller than his sister to a point where you couldn't even really tell, they both just told everyone that they were 6 ft and most people that he told seemed to believe it. But Izzac wasn't concerned about his height at the moment. His thoughts were full of a certain blonde boy.

"Isn't he the one who always hung around one of Chelsea's friends?" Izzac asked reluctantly staring at the blonde boy who had yet to sit down.

"Oh, what's this? Does the goody-two-shoes boy want to finally hear about school rumors? Has the world come to some sort of end!" The raven-haired boy said while smacking both his hands on his cheeks in a mocking manner.

"Screw you- you know what never mind."

"Gosh, you are so fun to tease, anyways. His name is like Alex or Aya or something, I don't fucking know but that's not the point..."

Lee went on to tell him all the rumors he had heard about the mysterious boy with sudden popularity. Even the ones that made no logical sense whatsoever. Mainly none of which he had said was true and the only thing that Izzac got from that long rant of nothing was that the blonde's mom had died in some tragic way.

"So what, why does everyone care so much?" Izzac asked with a tilt of his head, leaning back in his seat a bit now staring at the blonde who seemed to be headed his way.

"I. d. k. man, but what I do know is that he has been constantly hit on today and has rejected every single person. Like who the hell does that? If it were me I mean of course cuz' I ima a loyal man to your sister but let's be honest Im a heavy attention seeker and I honestly dream about those types of things. But speaking of rejection he is or was Miss achiever's down-there, best friend but she said that they haven't talked much after his mom died but honestly like T. B. H. On the D.L. I just think he rejected her too. Sneaky ass tryna scoop out the good ones before they go spoiled with the trauma of the sorts, but I guess now it's too late for that. Now the man is a hoe attracter, H. A. His nickname name should be 'Ha' Like a laugh cuz your laughing now but you won't be when he steals ya girl-"

"Is anyone seating here?" A somewhat low voice asked from beside Izzac cutting Lee off, not that he minded he could talk anyone's ear off any other time.

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