Self-Healing Spell

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This spell is from "Practical Protection Magick" by Ellen Dugan.

To tap into the element of fire, consider working this spell on a sunny day or at sunrise or sunset. These are times of the day when the sun and all of its fiery energy seems to be the most dramatic.

Possible substitutes are marked with an asterisk (*).

You will need:
• A red candle (for the element of fire, health, & energy) *white candle *any candle substitute
• candle holder
• Your prescriptions or medicine
• One glass of your favorite fruit juice *any preferred drink
• A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell, or your working altar
• A lighter or matches


1. (Optional) Cast a circle and call the quarters if desired.

2. Take a few moments to visualize your body's own natural defences, i.e. your antibodies & white blood cells. Now tell them exactly what you want them to do. Send them out like soldiers to attack the illness, infection, or virus that is in your body.

3. Now pause and pay tribute your body. Tell yourself that you are in a healing process and that you will honour your body by taking care of it as best you can. Light the red spell candle and repeat the spell:

 Light the red spell candle and repeat the spell:

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4. Place your hands on the juice glass and the medicine. Then say:

 Then say:

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5. Drink the juice. Set the empty glass back on your altar and say:

 Set the empty glass back on your altar and say:

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6. (Optional) Thank & dismiss the quarters and open the circle (if you did step 1).

7. Let the spell candle burn until it goes out on its own. Clean up your altar and put away your supplies. If you prefer, you could work this spell every day until you fully recover.

Notes: This spell could be easily adapted to a magickal or psychic healing. Just rework the fifth and sixth lines to say something like this:

 Just rework the fifth and sixth lines to say something like this:

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Then drink the juice and complete the spell as directed above.

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