When to do Magic

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Each day of the week, and each hour of the day and night, is associated with a planet. By performing spells on a specific day during a particular hour, you can harness the energy of the planets associated with your goal. Of course, you can perform a spell at any time and it will be effective if your intentions are pure.

Calculating Planetary Hours

The first hour of each day begins with the planet that rules that day, then the hours rotate through the other visible planets.

Find the sunrise and sunset times for a 24-hour period where you live. Sunset marks the start of the night.

Split the first sunrise to the first sunset into 12 to find how long each hour lasts. Repeat for the first sunset to the second sunrise.

Use the tables to find the planet for the corresponding hours.

Or use this website: www.astrology.com.tr/planetary-hours.asp

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)



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