Palmistry (Chiromancy)

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What is palmistry?

There are two divisions of palmistry; chiromancy and chirogmancy. Chiromancy is the reading of lines and mounts, chirogmany is the reading of the size, shape, colour and texture of the hands and fingers.

(This was taken from a forum post on

True palmistry is not really divination. It is the study of the appearance, texture, temperature, colour and lines in your hands. However some Psychics can gain insight to your future by the act of touching your hand during a palmistry reading.

A palm reading can tell you about different health and psychological issues. It can tell you how many kids you will most likely have (more accurate if female). It can tell you how many times you will be married etc. All of this is based on the chemical/energy makeup of your body and how it changes your hands. This can change moment by moment due to the fact that your body is always changing. For example, if you get a palmistry reading while on a poor diet and then get one a month later after eating healthy it will be reflected in the overall appearance of your hands. The colour, temperature, some of the lines, and the texture may change.

The only thing that does not change is your fingerprints. They can be altered if you have an injury but other the that they stay the same.

Starting off: First of all you need to look at both hands. The left hand symbolizes your fated life. The right symbolizes your life as it has been made by your actions. Some say this changes based on which hand you use but it is false to my knowledge. You should look and and take note of the differences between both hands. One small difference not caused by injury would mean that there was a change in that part of your body it relates to.

The main lines to note:

Line of Fate ~ runs down the centre of your palm. Usually starting under the middle finger
Headline ~ runs horizontally from in between your pointer finger/thumb to the opposite side of your hand.
Heart Line ~ runs horizontally from just under your pinky finger towards the other side.
Intuition Line ~ not all people have this line. It runs downward pinky finger towards your wrist.
Bracelets ~ these are lines running across your wrist just under your hand. Not all people have these.
Lifeline ~ runs from in between your pointer finger/thumb and runs vertically towards your wrist.


Choosing Which Hand to Read

Most people have two hands; you can't start palm reading without knowing which hand to examine. It's recommended that you spend some time looking at both hands, but you should begin with the dominant hand.

There are some palmists who believe that all females should use the right hand as the dominant hand and that all males should refer to the left hand.

Another school of thought holds that the left hand shows your potentials while the right hand demonstrates what you've been able to accomplish with those potentials.

Still, others insist that your dominant hand is the one that you use to write and to complete most tasks, meaning that it represents your conscious mind, whereas your other hand is more demonstrative of your subconscious mind.

All of these are interesting theories, but I would suggest that you begin your palm reading by focusing mostly on the hand that you use predominantly until you're ready to undertake a more thorough reading.

(I've added this link as the External Link for this part)

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