Tools: Broom/Besom

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The image of a witch soaring on her broom is common around Halloween, but due to the laws of physics, witches do not use brooms to fly. The magical broom, also called a besom (pronounced "bee-som"), does serve a magical purpose, however, and is an important addition to a witch's tool collection. The broom is used for protection and purification. It need not be large, even a small handheld broom will do.


A magical broom is not used for actual sweeping, instead it is used to sweep out negative energy...

...From corners during a house blessing
...Before casting a magic circle
...Out of a person during a cleansing ritual

How to make a broom

1.       Soak the bristle material in water overnight. Let it dry for a few hours until it is supple but not waterlogged.
2.     Arrange a layer of bristles around the base of the branch and tie tightly with twine.
3.    Add another layer, building outwards until the bristles reach the desired fullness and shape.
4.    Add a final layer, with 15cm of bristle covering the broom handle. Wrap the twine securely around the top layer, 7.5cm from the base of the handle.
5.    Fold the bristles over the twine to hide it. Tie a length of twine tightly near the top of the bundle. Tie a second length about 5cm down.

You can also use feathers for the bristles, like a feather duster. This might be easier for broom closet dwellers. Be careful with using feathers if you live in the USA; most states have strict laws on the ownership of bird feathers.

The bristles can also be made out of wheat/barley, just make sure you have the farmer's permission and only take the bits that were missed during harvesting.

You can buy a mini broom here:

Jumping the broom

This custom, originating from Wales and Africa, is continued in Wiccan weddings (handfasting) today. Following the ceremony, the couple step over the broom to bless their fertility and their union. The room is typically decorated with flowers and ribbons, and hung in a prominent place in the couple's home after the wedding.

A broom decorated for handfasting:

A broom decorated for handfasting:

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The Book of Shadows of a Broom Closet Dweller *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now