Chapter 7

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Aura's P.O.V


I woke up to find my face coverd in bandages, my mask and hoodie gone, leaving me in my camisole and jeans. Fred leaned against the red quilted bed, asleep and snoozing out ender particles as the daylight streamed weakly through the windows, a cold but bearable day.

Standing up, I pulled myself off the bed and through the door in the wooden shack without making a sound. Tipping my head, I heard voices outside and I cautiously exited the building, testing to see if I was being kept prisoner or not. Realising I wasn't restrained, I walked out, most of my face covered by the heavy bandages, but suprisingly, it was cold under there.

I recognised a couple of the heads in the crowd, but most I didn't. Apart from the long, bright red hair that was topped by glasses.

The figure turned sideways and I nearly fainted, SHE was here. SHE had found me again..

She was going to take us away again.

Snapping my fingers quietly, I summond my sword, Lithe, and ran out, my thin frame letting the air rush past me. I launched myself into the air, lashing my foot out and kicking her in the back, sending her sprawling. Vaguley aware of several pairs of hands trying to stop me from getting my revenge on the red haired woman.

The woman flipped over, revealing a broken, bloody nose, emerald eyes wide in shock and horror as she proccessed my bandaged form.

"Don't worry Zoey, she's agressive with everybody the first time!" Lewis shouted from behind me, I turned around and smacked him, hard and drew blood in gashes across his right cheek.

"So, YOU'VE COME BACK FOR US HAVE YOU? WAS NEARLY KILLING US THE FIRST TIME NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" I screamed, the woman looked guilty and the enderborn stepped back from her, looking puzzled.


"Ryth... I'm sorry.. I just wanted to see how... How they worked...." She mumbled, my heart sped up and my vision turned a pale, washed out blue. I pulled off the bandages and felt the cold air hit my skin, making it seem blistering hot as more of the acid pooled along the side of my face and on the throat.

"Are you sorry that you did THIS, to me? Are you ever going to be sorry?" I hissed, pointing to the large holes in my skin that everybody was disgusted by, turning away their faces but I collected some of the acid in the side of my face and let a tiny drop splash onto the woman who laid on the floor.

Her skin burned and smoked, she cried out in pain and tears welled up in her eyes. Mine were still occupied by the cold fury that had buried itsef there.

Walking away, I saw Fred. He looked equally as cold as me, holding my hoodie, mask and belongings. I grabbed them and folded myself into his chest.

"Take me home please Fred.... I want to go home now...." I sniffed, knowing only he would hear it. Nodding, he teleported into the void, letting us float there for a few seconds before leaving back into the overworld.

That woman had nearly killed us both, and I wouldn't let it happen again....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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