Chapter 3

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IThanks for reading this far guys! I know it's hard to keep up with but he here comes plot twitst number one!


Anastasia's P.O.V


When I woke up, I found that I was in a dimly lit room.

Strange, I thought, maybe Fred built a shelter around us whilst I was asleep.


I tried to stand up, only to be pulled down again. I cried out in surprise. The sound muffled by the hoardes of chests that were pilled up around me. I glared into the dim light and saw many more boxes, but no living person or creature. I tried pulling myself free but gave up after several minutes, I had discovered that the chains were solid iron. Not made for an easy escape. I sighed and sagged against the wall, my mask reflecting my breath and warming my face, but I didn't want to just sit there. I needed to do something.


Then it clicked, using my limited movement range, I managed to pull off my necklace. It was silver with an onyx and and amythist set into a silver disc that hung off the chain. I started twirling it on my fingers, the disc spinning faster and faster as the chain rotated around my fingers. A melodic noise emmitted from the disc and I continued to twirl the necklace for several more minutes, then I caught it and slipped it back onto my thin throat. All I had to do now was wait, and surly enough, just as I'd settled into a relitivly comfy position, a 'vworp' rang out infront of me. I jumped up, this time not as quickly since I knew I was in chains. The worried face of Fred the enderman stared back at me and I started crying in releif.

"Fred! I knew you'd find me! Please, you have to help me get out of these chains!" I cried, placing my hands over my face so he couldn't see my tears. I felt his long fingers on my shoulder and I looked up. He pulled me into a hug and then set to work on the chains, using his ender magic to teleport them to somewhere else (Notch knows!), I hugged him back. We stood there in silence for about ten minutes before a rumbling in the pipes near my head made us both jump.

"We have to leave, I know you've used all your energy removing those chains for me so we have to be very sneaky. Okay?" I asked, looking at him through my dark lashes. He nodded and gestured for me to lead. That's Fred, always the gentleman, even in a potential life or death situation.


I quietly worked my way through the boxes until I found the exit. The pipes were still rumbling, so I knew somebody (or something) was using the water supply. Fred followed close behind and was surprisingly quiet for a mob his size, I kept on the balls of my feet, a hunters crouch that allowed me to sprint if needs be. We managed to reach the upper floor, I paused as I heard voice. Fred stopped aswell to listen.


"I'm telling you Rythian, she looks like the white version of you!"

"I won't believe it until I see it." The second voice had a strong accent, though I couldn't place where it was from.

"Well Lewis says we can't see her until he's with us!"

"Lewis takes ages in the shower anyway! We might aswell wait and grow a beard in the time it takes for him to be ready!"

"You can talk! I already have a majestic beard thank you very much!"

Monster (A Yogscast Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora