Chapter 1

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Anastasia's P.O.V


I pulled my mask furthur up my face. Though nobody was around, I wasn't taking any chances. I felt my skin tingle and ignored it although it drove me crazy. I had to remember that scratching made it worse, it set off more of the chemical that was slowly eating my body. I looked around, silently drawing my bow and notching an arrow. I was covered by trees on all sides, they hid me from any prying eyes that could have been watching, but I also remembered that the silent forest could hide my enemies from me aswell. I sighed and continued my crouch-walk. I tread on the balls of my feet, carefull not to make any sudden movement or noise.


The tingling sensation was lingering in my face now, I so wanted to scratch it but I knew I couldn't, not if I wanted to keep my face. I shivered at the thought and suppressed the urge to scratch, turning my full attention to the woods around me. Somewhere in the distance, a zombie burned in daylight, a skeleton was running for the shade of the trees. I smiled at the thought of nature carrying on its daily routine, undisturbed for millions of years and still going strong. I heard a 'vworp' directly behind me, I froze and turned around, then smiled weakly.


An enderman stood behind me, most people would run for the hills or try to kill it but instead I hugged it. The enderman hugged me back, I knew this enderman. His name was Fred, I named him this because it was a mix of the word 'friendly' and 'enderman' and he seemed to respond when I called him by his name so it just stuck.


"Hey Fred, how are you?" I whispered, trying not to disturb anything dangerous that could be nearby. Fred would normally scare them away but he looked happy and I didn't want to spoil his mood. He blinked his large, purple eyes and nodded, making a thumbs up. I smiled at him and gestured for him to follow. He obligied and walked along side me.


Most people would think that Fred would attack me, but I know he wouldn't. I rescued him from a mob testing facility four years ago and he'd helped me escape. Now we were firm friends for life, I needed him just as he needed me to warn him of other humans. He has many a time protected me from creepers and skeletons, I once saw him get into a fight with another enderman, let me say that the result was not pretty. I sighed loudly and Fred tilted his head at me, his large eyes looking at me and searching my face for some emotions. I smiled weakly.


"I'm okay Fred, just tired and grotty that's all," I say, letting my voice become a little louder now I was with Fred. "I really need a shower and some food."


As if on cue, we heard the distant roar of a waterfall. Fred picked me up in his long arms and I closed my eyes. I felt the cold vastness of the void before my skin tingled under the warm sunlight. I opened my eyes again.


We were stood several meters away from a vast lake with a roaring waterfall thunering into the calm waters. Fred had kept away since he's an enderman but I started pulling off my clothes, Fred turned his back on me like a gentleman and waited until I ran to the lake and jumped in. He then picked up my clothes and teleported away, Notch knows to where, maybe getting me some clean clothes.


The water was freezing, but I didn't care. The water felt good on my dirty skin and it stopped the tingling that annoyed me so much, I dived and swam. Using soap that I had packed in my satchel to clean off the grime and dust of the forest. I let the water engulf me as I stood nearly directly under the waterfall, the spray creating a curtain that hid my scarred and bruised body. I smiled as I heard a faint 'vworp'. I swam to the lake bank, Fred was sitting under a tree. Making a campfire, I thought that it was sweet of him. I looked and saw a large rectangle of cloth for me to use as a towel and my clothes had been laid out for me, sparkling clean and dirt free. I dried, wincing as I pressed against bruises and scratches. Mostly hissing through my teeth as I dried the open wounds in my right cheek and throat. I dabbed at less serious ones that covered my arms and one or two that had appeared on my legs. I finally pulled on my clothes, glad for the warmth and comfort of them. I started dragging my feet to see Fred at our camp.


I sat opposite him, I watched as he struggled with a flint and steel to light our campfire. I clicked my fingers and the fire roared to life, creating a crackling fire that would keep us warm and dry for days. Fred glared at me and I chuckled, he then rolled his eyes and smiled. Fred was the only enderman that I knew, and though I've seen plenty of them on my travels, I've never seen one roll their eyes and smile. I think Fred learned to do that because he watched humans interact with each other, he liked watching people do things that endermen can't. I was trying to teach him how to talk but he didn't seem to quite grasp it, responding to speech yes but talking? No. The enderman leaned against the tree behind him and stretched out one arm lazily, looking at me. I chuckled and scooted round so that I was tucked into his side, though my head rested on his shoulder because I was that tall. Did I forget to mention that I'm six foot one?


The sky was turning dark now and the sounds of the forest came alive, zombies and skeletons, endermen and spiders and other creatures that went bump in the night were awake now. I huddled closer to Fred, he curled his thin arm around me. That was all the protection I needed from the world, a warm campfire and Fred. My best friend and fellow survivor. I felt me lids become very heavy, I struggled to stay awake for a few more minutes before letting sleep wash over me and drag me into a dreamless sleep.......

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