Chapter 2

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Simon's P.O.V


Dawn filtered through the leaves of the oak trees that grew all around us. Us being Lewis, Duncan, Sjin, Sips and myself. Lewis and Sips had their swords drawn, ready for any mob that attacked us. Sjin and Duncan were walking behind me and were talking about science and shit like that. I was alone and had nobody to talk to, scuffing my feet on the grass made Lewis look back at me and it was very clear that I was annoying him. I sighed and adjusted my helemet, anxious to get underground and into some caves, also I hoped that we'd find water soon. Otherwise I might die of dehydration or something. I strained to listen to the woods around me and smiled bright as a button when I heard water cascading into a waterfall.


I ran off in the direction of the waterfall, Lewis and Sips shouting after me as I left the group behind. I wooped as I finally laid eyes on the crystal waters of the lake, running and jumping into the cool, calm waters. I gulped down several mouthfuls as I slowly started to sink to the bottom of the lake, I swan upwards towards the sunlight when I had my fill. Pulling myself up onto the bank, I came face to face with an angry Lewis. Sips was paddling in the water and Duncan was taking samples in test tubes. Sjin sat in the sunshine and was humming a song.


"What the hell Simon...." Lewis hissed, his voice cold and menacing. I shook myself, spraying Lewis and Sjin with freezing water. Sjin laughed and asked me to stop, this made me shake harder as Sjin begged for mercy. Even Lewis started chuckling after a while and splashed me with water from the lake.


It was like when we all first met, having a laugh and a good time. I suddenly stopped, everyone continued laughing until I raised one iron gloved fist for silence. All conversation and laughter stopped. There it was again! I slowly walked towards a very thick oak tree and tapped the wood, listening to it. We all heard the sound amplify as it located a hollow spot inside the tree. Bringing out his axe, Sjin chopped away at one side of the tree. We all caught our breath.


Inside the tree was a girl, curled into a tiny ball. Slowly Lewis pointed his sword at her whilst Sips pushed infront to remove her from the confines of the tree. When we could see her, the first thing we noticed was her hair. It was white, like new fallen snow. Like Duncan's lab coat after it had finally been washed. I was mesmerised by her white hair and pale skin, she wore a white mask over her lower face and she had a hood pulled onto her head. The hoodie was off white with dark grey and black swirls around the hem and cuffs of her sleeves. She had white jeans on, they were ripped in places and showed more of her perfect pale skin. She wore shorts brown boots, with silver studs on the heels. She looked majestic, even whilst sleeping. Duncan reached forward as if to stir the sleeping girl before Lewis smacked his hand away.


"We don't know if she's a friend or foe yet!" He hissed, his eyes filled with fear.

"What do you suggest we do? Leave her?" Duncan queried, adjusting his goggles and straightening his lab coat. Sjin nodded and Sips shrugged, I would have liked to have woken her but Lewis was having none of it.

"We take her back to the factory of course! We keep her in the basement until she wakes up and then we question her!" He stated, his chest swelling with pride at having managed the situation. Sips scoffed and rolled his eyes, Sjin started stroking his moustache and Duncan scratched his stubble. I looked between my friends and the girl (who was still fast asleep). I sighed.

"We'd better get moving if we're going to take her back then!" I yelled/ whispered, making everyone jump. Lewis nodded and started walking ahead whilst Sjin and Sips picked up the girl, heading after Lewis. Apparently she was very light as they both looked surprised as they picked her up with ease. Duncan walked beside me and we kept a safe distance from the dirt traders and the sleeping girl.

"Do you think she's dangerous?" Duncan asked, rubbing the back of his head. Something he does when he doesn't know what to say or when he's nervous. I laughed grimly.

"Let's hope not, other wise. I don't like our odds."


Duncan nodded and we continued our walk in silence, everyone keeping quiet as not to disturb the girl. I swear I saw an enderman following us at one point, but when I looked I dismissed it as imagining things....

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