Chapter 6

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Sips' P.O.V


I was one of the people who felt sickened by the sight before us. Blood was covering the off white hoodie shoulder, blood caked the fingers that were held in Fred's long fingered hand, it covered her face and her teeth, her tounge. I watched in horror and facination as her cheek was gone to the point of being able to see her teeth, heck you could fit your fist in that hole. Her tounge was sloshing around in her mouth, darting out from the exposed part of her jaw as more blood oozed out. Sjin and Simon gagged, I didn't blame them. It was so gory and horrible, like she was half rotten. I also noticed that the damage seemed to continue onto her neck but it was thankfully covered by her hoodie and her mask. She had a pained look in her eyes as she tried to relive herself of the horror that clung to her perfectly cold features. Some silver liquid seeped from the rotting tissue in her cheek and she cried out as it dripped onto the rest of her face. I watched in horror as where it landed burned and sizzled. Eventually Simon ran outside to be sick, I wanted to join him but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the one woman massacre that was occuring.


Duncan was the one that eventually put the poor girl out of her misery, he pulled out a needle containing a heavy sedative, he pushed it into her neck. Through the material of her mask and into the flesh beneath. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed, Fred released her wrists and she fell onto the floor. Fred scooped her up gently, Lewis opened the door to the dorms in Honeydew Inc. The enderman put her down on Simon's Bed, Duncan and Rythian started treating her wounds. Fred looked at us sadly then sat down on the floor next to her, crossing his legs. I watched in horror as the girl's eyes stared blankly from under her eyelids, her pale skin bloodied by the thick blood still flowing from her cheek. We all turned away, sickened and left solem by the grusome turn of events. I gaged as I remebered the darting tounge and blood stained teeth.


We quickly made a small camp outside, inside the compound walls but outside of the wooden shack. Somehow we managed to sleep, but our dreams were plauged by images of rotting skulls and monsters that wanted to turn us into the blood thirsty creatures....

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