Chapter 4

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Duncan's P.O.V


Rythian's question burned in the air, the white haired girl giving him a death stare with her peircing silver eyes. The black rims really made the pop, she looked cold and deadly whilst she was glaring. Suddenly she started shaking just as much as the enderman was. I backed off some more, Simon, Lewis, Sips and Sjin followed suite but Rythian held his ground. Award the man points for stupidity....


"I could say you're no better for trying to kill Fred." She muttered, Rythian looked shocked and Lewis raised an eyebrow.

"Uhhhhh..... Who's Fred?" He asked, scratching his head. I stiffled laughter as the enderman mimicked his movement, though Lewis seemed oblivous. The girl seemed to be about to speak when the enderman stepped infront of her. He closed one hand into a fist and used his first finger to poke himself in the chest. Everyone looked confused, including the silver girl. Then the enderman opened his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth, Rythian adjusted his sword. He was waiting for an attack.


Everyone's mouths fell open, the girl looked like she was about to faint and Rythian looked very pale. Sips was the first to speak.

"I beg your pardon?" He squeaked, his hands shaking visibly.

"Fred." The enderman said, again pointing to himself. I shook myself out of my trance.

"So you're Fred? Fred is you? The enderman?" I asked, my voice surprisingly calm. Simon looked like he was shitting himself, Sjin was trying to hide behind Sips and Lewis was just staring at Fred. Rythian looked amazed and the girl I couldn't see apart from the fact that she was alot paler than when we found her.

The enderman nodded. "Fred," He repeated and pointed to himself. "Fred learn how to speak. Fred friendly." The enderman looked chuffed and puffed out his skinny chest in pride. Everyone was silent.


Suddenly the girl hugged Fred, he looked surprised and smiled, hugging the girl back. She was sobbing into his shoulder, he pulled her back and turned to us.


"Can Fred talk, like ci-vil-ise-d human? With you many people?" He asked, though his sentences and English were very broken, it was amazing how much we understood. Lewis nodded and stalked off towards the dorms, everyone followed suite. Fred had to duck to fit into the doorway but he took a seat when offered one by Lewis. The silver girl sat next to him, Lewis gave her some tea but she never touched it. Everyone sat in silence as the friendly enderman looked around the hut and made a mental note of where everything was.....

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