new year's eve - 01

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- Rue (narration)

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- Rue (narration)

Okay, let's cut the bullshit.

Francesca isn't exactly the type to spill her life story to just anyone, but you're not just anyone, you're... special if that's what you want to call it. Not special enough to know her actual life story because to be honest, I don't even know it. No one truly does, other than Francesca herself. However, you're just special enough to get caught up on why she moved to a new town, a new house, a new fucking school, right before a new year of all times.

So, here's what I do know. She moved here a couple weeks ago from a small town in San Bernardino, right before Christmas. She is 17 years old and will be attending East Highland High School as a senior once we go back after winter break. She has a summer birthday which is why she's a 17 year old senior and also a Leo.

I fucking love Leo's.

She has a brother named Lucas who is 6 years younger than her. Another fun fact is that she also used to be pretty tight with Fezco when she was in her early teen years. They met due to their families unique business affairs, that I do know about but I'm not a complete gossip so I'll let Franny catch you up on all that shit.

Oh, and 'Franny' or 'Fran' is what her friends call her, not that she has many friends at the moment, but that's kinda to be expected as the new girl.

The new girl in question who is currently sitting on a parking block, eating a pack of powdered donuts and smoking a cigarette alone after another day of trying to find a job.

She went to three different places today that let her interview on the spot and she's pretty sure that she bombed every single one of them. But she'll figure something out, she always does.

- Francesca

I just know I blew those interviews. I don't think I said anything wrong necessarily, but none of the manger's really seemed that interested. I swear that manager at the coffee shop dozed off for a second or two. And the guy at the record store was definitely high as fuck. I don't know if he even knew he was interviewing me.

Whatever, I'll get a job somewhere, right? No, right I definitely will. I've already had like ten job interviews in the short time i've been here, someone's bound to hire me.

Maybe I should find something nicer to wear next time? Like a dress instead of baggy pants, a crop top, and an oversized jacket. I thought this outfit was at least a little cute but all these interview pricks are making me second guess my own fashion sense.

Jesus, I feel like this cigarette isn't even doing anything despite me already smoking one.

I take another small donut out of the pack and place it in my mouth before chewing. Cigarettes and powdered donuts, a perfect combo, right?

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