The Feast

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Arthur held onto my hand at the feast where everyone could see it. His thumb was rubbing gentle circles on the back of my hand, soothing me of my nerves. Though I was happy that we had confessed our feelings for each other, I wasn't sure about the elaborate displays of it. It was just me being paranoid. But now, everyone was glancing at us, whispering to each other soon afterwards.

Uther seemed pleased by the affection we were giving each other, and that was all that really mattered wasn't it? He was probably pleased with his idea of us being together, knowing that it was because of him that this was happening. Morgana would send me occasional glances, smiling at our hands intertwined. Actually, a lot of people seemed to be doing that.

In the middle of the feast, the doors burst open before a guard rushed in, hastily making his way to the king. Whispering in Uther's ear, his face hardened before he excused himself from the ceremony. Arthur was about to go with him until his father ordered him to keep the party going as to stay with his fiancé. Arthur huffed before sitting back down. I tried to not be offended that he didn't want to stay with me but it was a little irritating, seeing as he had been so loving that day.

"Don't worry about it Arthur, I'm sure your father can handle it." I looped my arm through his, making him look at me."Besides, if it was anything serious, he would need you for advice or help."

"No Bethan, I know that face. Something bad is going to happen, I just know it." Arthur pulled away, leaning back in his chair. But I wasn't going to give up so soon.

"Don't worry yourself, we don't even know what it's about."

"Exactly! It just makes me more curious."


"Bethan, I appreciate that you're trying to assure me that everything is fine but you're just a woman; you don't understand how this works." As soon as he saw my face he regretted it."No, Bethan, I'm-"

"How dare you say something like that to me." It was too loud for anyone to hear our argument."You know that I very much do understand how everything works in this system. Just because I'm being forced to marry you, it does not give you the right to order me around! That's not how marriages work!" Standing up, I marched over the the doors, wanting to leave. Everyone watched, confused that the princess was angry. I was only halfway down the room when the next events occurred.

The doors burst open, a familiar group of men filing through them. Screams and shouts filled the room, everyone scrambling for their lives. Ivan's tribe was everywhere, there were a vast number of them. But Ivan himself was no where to be seen. The knights and guards defended those who had no possible way of doing that themselves.

As I too had nothing to defend myself with, I ran with the crowd, only to find that there was no clear direction to go in. Someone knocked me into the table with a great force. Cutlery and food spilled everywhere, bringing more attention to me; I was already hogging most of the attention due to my nobility. Luckily, I was able to stand, and I wasn't going to stay in that spot for long.

"Bethan!" I heard Arthur shout my name. My eyes couldn't find him, and I searched harder in a desperate panic.

My searching soon stopped when I saw Georgina hunched up in a cxormer of the room, one of Ivan's men towering over her. She was clutching onto her growing belly, her eyes squeezed shut. With the adrenaline rushing through my body, I ran over to her, not sure on how I was going to defend her; but I knew I had to distract him. I was so close to them, so close; until I was pulled back.

A tall man pushed me back onto the table. He had a huge sword in his hand, ready to attack. But instead of attacking, he pinned me down, pulling up the skirt of my dress. Thrashing about, I tried to kick him off of me. He punched me in the face, not happy that he wasn't getting what he wanted. He started ripping it to shreds, my screaming overpowering the sound of the tearing, along with everyone else's screams. That's all there was now, screams.

Reaching out for anything or anyone, my fingers found a candlestick, a makeshift weapon for now. With all the strength I had left in me, I swung it at his head. He groaned in pain, staggering away from me. A sword was put through his chest, causing him to collapse to the ground. Sir Leon rushed over to me, throwing me over his shoulder. As I looked up, I saw Georgina, lying still. Her back was facing me and I feared the worst.

Somehow, I threw myself off of Leon's shoulder, running over to Georgina with the rest of my energy. Leon shouted at me to get back but I refused to. I had to see my best friend.

Rolling her onto her back gently, she was limp in my arms. This wasn't right, none of this was. My eyes scanned her body and the area around it. All I could see was red, pooling out; Georgina's blood. It was all coming from her torso, her belly, her baby.

"Georgina?" It came out as a whisper."Georgina, please wake up." Still nothing. My hands went to hers which were covered in blood."GEORGINA PLEASE!"

Being pulled away, I screamed, tears running down my cheeks. Georgina was taken from me, and I was being taken away from her. Whoever was carrying me was going to receive bruises from my hits, I even bit the person at one point. To my dismay, they were too strong for me and I couldn't do anything to save her.... save anyone.

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