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The ropes had been untied from me and I followed the two guards outside of the tent. My head was held high, the men around me whistling or making rude remarks about a woman being in their presence. Trying to ignore the disgusting men around me, I hurried my pace, thinking the worst. There were no women in the tribe, what they possibly wanted with me I didn't want to think about.

    As we came to the leader of this band of men, I saw the men around us close in, creating a circle. Arthur was brought out, forced onto his knees in front of me. His face was covered in bruises, some blood coming from his lips and he didn't look like he had the energy for anything.

"Princess Bethan Hassandra, welcome to my tribe!" He roared, the cheering of others followed. He was a big man with bulging muscles, scars on his face and some on his arms. This man had tattoos circling his arms like much of the other men, making him seem even scarier."So sorry about the travelling my dear, it's just for precaution."

"Why have you taken us captive?" I thought I would sound tough but it came out quieter than I thought.

"Well, we couldn't have you just riding through our forest without being formally introduced. My name is Ivan, the greatest warrior there has ever been. Plus, I had to see if the stories were true." He made his way towards me, starting to circle me.

"What stories?"

"About the beauty and radience of the young princess, of which she flaunts a beautiful figure fit with a petite waist and birth bearing hips." Ivan's mouth was inches away from my ear, his hands prodding at my waist, he was trying to scare me.

"Get away from her!" Arthur suddenly shouted. Ivan's head shot around to look at him, growling before he laughed. The rest of the men joined in, mocking him. Ivan punched Arthur in the face, making me scream.

"Stop it! Don't hurt him any more!" I jumped onto his back in an attempt to stop him but I was just thrown onto the ground. Everyone was silenced as Ivan walked towards me, bending down so that he was eye level with me. The other guards had restrained Arthur, holding his head back so that his neck was exposed, meaning only one thing. Ivan smirked before pulling out his sword, waving it in front of my face, before he made his way to Arthur.

"No, don't please! Ivan, please, don't hurt him." Ivan was in front of Arthur, the view of everything going on was blocked. Finally I began screaming."I'm begging you!"


     Ivan looked over his shoulder smirking. I didn't want to stand above him if it meant Arthur being hurt or killed. Ivan made his way towards me again, grabbing my upper arm, yanking me up to my feet. Hopefully, the others at Camelot were regrouping, or at least getting more recruits, and heading back to the forest to track us down. Arthur and I were the ones they wanted, they wouldn't care if they killed any knights that got in their way.

"I knew you'd come round. I love it when a woman begs." He sneered.

"What do you want with us?" I ignored his disgusting remark.

"Just a little ransom for the future king and queen of Camelot, nothing much. Until someone pays, you two stay here."


    Arthur was tied up to a tree yet again, in chains this time, which was impossible to escape from. My hands were the only things tied up in chains, though that was attached to a tree opposite Arthur and I couldn't move far from it. It was getting dark now and there was still no sign of anyone rescuing us. My eyes were drooping from tiredness but I fought to keep them open.

"You didn't have to do that earlier." Arthur suddenly spoke.

"Yes I did, he was going to slit your throat." I mumbled, trying to stay awake.

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