Blood On Our Hands

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Those who had escaped were hiding and recovering underneath the castle. My screams filled the room, silencing everyone. I was carried to a section that was cut off from all the beds people were sitting or lying on, awaiting a medical examination. As I was laid on a bed, they pulled the curtain around us, making people start up their conversations again.

My throat was sore from all of the screaming, so I just cried. I hadn't felt this much pain since Caspian was killed. Curling up, I clutched onto the bed sheets, wishing that this was just some terrible nightmare. Opening my eyes, through my blurry vision, I could just make out who was there with me. Morgana, stood that the top of the bed, stroking my hair in comfort, Gaius and Merlin looked like they were analysing me and Uther stood with Arthur. Sitting up, I tried to stand but Arthur wouldn't let me.

"Let me goz please. I have to save her." I pleaded Arthur.

"Who? Bethan, who do you have to save?" He asked me, his hands firmly holding my waist. His face was closer than I thought, which made it harder to look at him.

"Georgina, she's still in the hall, I have to get to her."

Arthur looked at those behind him."Please, leave us." No one questioned him as they exited.

As soon as they were all gone, Arthur enveloped me into his embrace. Once again, I started crying, mumbling things about Georgina and how I could have saved her. Gently, I pushed at his chest, trying to get out of there. Arthur lifted me by my waist back onto the bed.

"Look at me," he demanded,"Bethan, look at me!"

Scared by his tone of voice, I forced myself to look into his eyes.

"What happened to Georgina was no one's fault. You did what you could."

"If your men hadn't grabbed me, I could have saved her!" I snapped.

"According to Sir Leon, he saved you from being raped!"

"I was handling it. If he hadn't grabbed me she wouldn't be dead!"

"Georgina was not your responsibility. However, you are mine. I wasn't there to protect you but luckily my friend was."

"You're not always going to be there to protect me from danger Arthur."

"Yes I will. I am betrothed to you, that means that I'm your friend, your protector and your lover. Let me do what I must do."

"Yes, you 'must' do that otherwise you'll be seen as a bad prince."

He pulled me off of the bed, pulling me close to his body."Stop it, stop being so stubborn! I know this is going to be a hard time for you but you can't hate me. I love you, you know that. And you know that I'll do anything for the ones I love."

"I know but Arthur, look," I showed him my hands, Georgina's blood was now dry,"I was so close, I was holding her."

"The past can't be changed Bethan, but we'll get through this. I promise you that."


The funeral came and went. It was a traditional funeral, however, Georgina's body was going to be taken back to her birthplace to be buried. The funeral in Camelot was for mere respect. Arthur had been the best friend I could ever ask for, always making time for me, even if it meant that he had to miss hunting with his friends. Normally, I would let him go and have fun, seeing as we would be stuck together for the rest of our lives, but right now I needed someone to comfort me; and the only person I wanted was Arthur.

"It's not fair." I suddenly whispered. We were in Arthur's chambers, lying down on his bed. If anyone walked in on us, it would look very innapropriate to them, so that was why we had Merlin stand outside and watch with the two guards. Arthur was just holding me, before I spoke we were in silence.

"I know." He said.

"All of those fairy tales that I've read are lies. No one ever gets a happy ever after."

"That's because those are made up stories. And, some people do get happy endings."

"Like who?" I shifted my head to look at him.

"Well," his hand made patterns on my back,"I can't name any off of the top of my head, however, I know that we will."

"And how can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm making this story up as I go along."

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