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As I woke, I felt a strong pair of arms around me. Looking up, I saw my husband, still sleeping. It felt weird now, I was no longer alone, I had Arthur. Having a husband also felt weird, as did being a wife. All these new titles would take some getting used to, as would my duties to this kingdom. I closed my eyes again, savouring the small amount of peace I would have. Only a few minutes later, I heard the doors open and Merlin's voice.

"Now, I know that you drank quite a bit last night and no doubt you didn't get much sleep," theclangs of plates and cups could be heard,"but your need to get up, Arthur."

As the curtain that split the bed from the dining table was being pulled back, I realised both Arthur and I were naked. Hastily, I pulled the covers further up our bodies, waking Arthur in the process.

Still half asleep, Arthur started mumbling."Bethan, what's going-"

Merlin suddenly appeared, shocked that I was there."Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot you would...yeah, um, I'll just set breakfast...and go...yeah."

The door slammed and it was silent. Arthur and I looked at each other before laughing. He pulled me closer, kissing my forehead sweetly. I was content in just staying here, not doing anything. Unfortunately, there were many things to do and we had to get ready. I was the one who has to get us both out of bed, knowing that Arthur would just fall back to sleep.

Sitting at my dressing table, I absentmindedly brushed my hair, my mind suddenly going blank. Arthur's chuckle brought me back and I looked up at him through the mirror. He was smiling at me.

"What?" I smiled back, setting the brush down and turning to face him.

He walked towards me, his hands cupping my face."You're just beautiful, that's all."


Arthur and I were walking through the halls, arms linked and laughing about the drunk knights from the night before. We were starting to remember everythung that had happened after the wedding at the feast; there was dancing, singing, people making a fool out of themselves. Neither of us could stop laughing, until Sir Leon approached us.

He bowed to both of us."Sire, the King is requesting your presence."

"What for?" Arthur asked.

"I'd rather not say in front of the princess."

"Alright, just give us a moment."

He bowed before walking around the corner.

"Do you think it's serious?" I asked.

"It's probably something to do with Ivan. My father will want to discuss protection and security or something along those lines." Arthur replied.

"Well, you better go. Can't keep the king waiting."

"I'll see you later." He kissed me and walked away.

I wasn't really sure what to do next. No one had given me any routines, not even Helga. I hoped that the rest of my life here wouldn't be like this, I needed things to do. I figured that Helga would be in the kitchens as she loved to cook and the kitchen here was the biggest I had ever seen. As I made my way down there, I heard a lot of chatter. Hiding behind a column, I listened in, recognising the voices of some of the knights.

"Do you think we should find the princess? After all, the meeting is about her." One of them said.

"Shh! Keep your voice down." I strained to hear them now."We haven't been ordered to do anything. Let's just do as we're told."

"It just makes sense that she should know what is going on. Otherwise, she'll be very confused."

"That's the prince's problem, not ours."

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