An Heir To The Throne

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I desperately wanted to know what was going on in that meeting. But I couldn't just barge in, what kind of impression would that make? I had literally only just become Arthur's wife, I needed to make sure I wasn't an embarrassment to him. However, it was just eating away at me, why wasn't I involved in this?

"Your majesty," I heard behind me. Turning around, I saw Merlin standing there,"the king wishes to see you."

"Merlin, do you have any idea what this is about?" I asked him as we began walking towards the throne room.

He hesitated."It really isn't my place to say. I don't really no what is happening either."

I sighed."I overheard some guards talking earlier, saying it was about me."

"Did they say anything else?"

"No. But I'm scared."

He said nothing back.

"Merlin, you know something I don't."

"Arthur made me promise not to say anything."

"Well, if he has ordered you then I guess we can't do anything about that."

"Whatever happens, Arthur will protect you, he loves you."

I nodded as a reply.

We arrived at the doors of the throne room, the noise of them opening silenced the whole room. My heels clicked against the floor as I approached the king, standing next tI Arthur. There was only myself, Arthur, Uther, Merlin, Gaius and the knights in the room. I was confused as to why these were the only people here, why wasn't there a court here?

"You summoned me, my Lord?" I curtsied before standing up straight again. Arthur stood beside me.

"Yes, I am afraid that something has happened, which could put you in danger." Uther said, standing from his throne.

"W-what exactly is that?"

"Ivan's tribe have been getting closer to our lands, they're trying to get closer to you."

"Do we know why?"

"He....he wants you, he is threatening to take you. Ivan knows how powerful you are now and that he could have that power too."

"But he can't get me. I'm protected here aren't I?"

"Of course you are." Arthur interrupted."But his men are too close to the city walls, we need to take extra precaution, for you and the kingdom."


I stared at the ceiling as I lay restless in bed, giving up on sleep. The only thing that was on my mind was the thought of innocent civilians being hurt because of me. Ivan would never get to me, I wouldn't let him, I'd refuse to be his, he'd have to kill me; though I had a feeling he would do that too.

Arthur's arm was wrapped around my lower waist, he was deep in sleep. He was probably always exhausted, what with being a royal. Though I never quite knew the feeling, women didn't do a lot to contribute. But this particular problem kept swirling around my brain. Huffing out a breath of air, I gently removed Arthur's arm, slipped on a robe over my nightgown and headed towards Gaius' room.

Although it was the middle of the night, I was desperate for something that would make me fall asleep. Morgana had told me about the bad dreams she had been having and how Gaius had helped her. I hoped that he would do the same for me though I still felt bad for waking him and Merlin at this hour. Once I walked up the steps to their door, I gently knocked a couple of times before opening the door myself. My eyes spotted Merlin slumped over a table, fast asleep.

"Merlin," I whispered, nudging him slightly,"Merlin, wake up."

He jolted awake, making me jump back in surprise."Y-your majesty, what are you doing up at this hour?"

I giggled softly."Why aren't you in a proper bed?"

"You make a good point."

"I was just wondering if you had anything that would help me sleep? I'm just so restless tonight and I'm becoming frustrated."

"Oh, yes, Gaius usally keeps that sort of stuff over here." he made his way to a shelf, partially talking to himself."Take a tiny sip of this before you sleep and no more. If you take it now, you should be drowsy by the time you reach your room. Would you like me to escort you?"

"No, that's quite alright. You need to get some rest if you're going to be able to put up with Arthur again tomorrow." I smiled.

"If you're sure. Goodnight your majesty."

"Goodnight Merlin."

Just as I closed the door behind me, I followed Merlin's instructions. It tasted a little bitter but it wasn't so bad as I had only swallowed a small amount. I made my way back to my room, the cold air making me shiver. I was almost there and I was already starting to yawn. My eyes were fighting to stay open. Maybe I had drank too much of it? As I dragged myself down another corridor, gripping onto the wall to stable myself.

"You need some help princess?" a gruff voice spoke.

Before I could turn to see who it was, my legs gave way, causing me to collapse on the floor unconscious, the smashing vial being the only thing I could remember after that.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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