Time to get wild!!!!

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:::::::::::::::::::::::: Aizawa POV ::::::::::::::::

We all sat at a table and talked. "So who's gunna buy the first round of drinks then" I ask. I have an idea everyone so put your cards in the middle then we pick one card and that card will pay for all the drinks Tonight" nemi suggested. "Fine" everyone said. We all put our cards in the middle of the table, emi put her hand out and grabbed a card, she held it up and it was- hizashis card-. "Oh god sake" zashi sighed. He did not look happy at all "thanks beautiful" I said then winked at zashi. I saw him blush a bit, but it hen he stood up and said "what do you lot want then". Nemuri suggested "how about we do 3 rounds of shots to get the vibe going". "What kindof shots" hawks asked. "Vodka shots obviously nemi said.

Hizashi walked off and got 3 rounds of vodka shots and brought it to the table. "You sure this is safe all of us drinking we are heroes you know like what if the league of villains find us" all might said. "My binding cloth is in my car so it's fine" I said. Everyone took their first shot then it was my turn, I made no face as I was used to alcohol. "Eraser how do you take a shot with a straight face" emi asked. I replied with "well when you have a loud ass husband and teach annoying kids you tend to put a few vodka shots in your coffee". "I'm not that loud sho"- mic said. I laughed then checked my phone to see if Hitoshi has text me or rung me. "So shōta how's class 1a" vlad asked. I replied with "better than your 1b students you know monoma shouldn't have enrolled into 1b shinso should atleast be in the hero course no he should be in my class I'll kick the perv mineta out and enroll shinso in my class oh my gay lord I'm a genius".

Vlad stood up and said "hold on are you only saying this because shinso is your adopted son not your actual son, plus he could be a villian in disguise". I raised from my seat and said "he may not be my real son but I love him as if he was and he is not a FUCKING VILLAIN You know his quirk is similar to mine so are you trying to say that my quirk is villainous vlad king". "I mean you might grade him higher and he's not as strong at some of my class 1b students he's just a little weakling" vlad said. At this point I'd had enough of the words coming out of vlads mouth so I went up to him and tried to punch him until zashi held me back and tried to calm me down "sho-sho-babe you neee to calm down maybe drink some water". "I'm not the one who needs to calm down it's vlad who wants to calm down and keep his mouth shut" I said. "Guys we all aren't here for fights and were here to have fun and not worry about work" all might said. Everyone sat down nodded then me and vlad sat down.

~ shinso POV

I sat on the couch abs watched a film knowing that my dads would be back at like 1 in the morning, so I went to the kitchen and got a bite to eat. I scanned through all the cupboards and then found some noodles, I heated them up and added a lot of hot sauce to it. I grabbed some chopsticks and began eating.

The life of the crazy aizawa family 🖤💛[an erasermic/erasermic family fan fic]Where stories live. Discover now