Different Dimension

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No one's p.o.v

-in a different dimension-

In a field, where there's only one house there's a storm trying to start as lightning strikes- "you.. must be... insane!" A voice yelled out. He got hit out of the house as he fell back a bit, it's hard to see through the doorway from that house. Though you can hear him laughing before white eyes are the only thing to be seen as he still laughs. The rabbit is glaring at the other guy saying "you destroyed the entire family" he was standing as he has his weapon in hand. The figure is finally outside as he glares at the rabbit- now we're able to tell that it's a wolf-guy.

"You demon!" The rabbit adds onto his talking, the wolf is still laughing as he has his own weapon in hand while walking towards the rabbit. His weapon being a spear as the rabbit's is an actual sword/katana, but the wolf finally stops laughing. "They were infected with evil, the god's reveal their nature to me!.. as they do you" the wolf says before they start fighting. They weren't getting hits at the other before the rabbit hit the spear down into the ground. With that he made his weapon slide up the wood and went to hit the wolf in the face.

The wolf leaned back though to avoid the blade and they ended up where the other was as they still were wanting to fight. There was a bit of a distance between the two before the wolf starts laughing again and it starts raining. The rabbit then says "I tracked you down to bring you to justice" then he got in another fighting stance. The wolf responds with "I see the evil in this realm, Ronin.. I am the definition of justice!" Then he advanced towards the rabbit. First he went for a jab which the rabbit dodged, but then the wolf punched him in the face.

The rabbit stumbled back a bit before grabbing out another sword/katana and the two continued to fight as it rained. The wolf was getting the rabbit to back away as they fought, so he says "the gods impart this skill to me to cleanse the world of evil." Though as they still fought the rabbit noticed the tree that was behind him and got the spear to get stuck. The rabbit tried to take out the wolf, but the wolf still had a cane of sorts to block the weapons. "You're the evil one!" The rabbit says back before the sound of the lightning got their attention.

They both look away to see where it was going to hit, then they see it coming and tried to get away from it so they wouldn't get hit. The ground by the tree was hit, so the bit of impact on the ground made them both fly away a bit. The rabbit was the closest one to that bit of impact as he groaned, he's on his stomach as he groans. His weapons are stuck in the ground as he starts trying to get up, but the wolf is walking towards him. The rabbit's vision was a bit blurry, but he could make out the image of the wolf walking over as the tree is burning.

The wolf begins to laugh again as the rabbit is now fully able to see, he glares up at the wolf "who are you?!" He asks angrily confused. Though the wolf responds with "I am Jei... the blade of the gods" he raised his spear to finish off the rabbit. The storm was still going on though as it struck the wolf with lightning making him scream a bit. There was no body dropping to the ground there... the wolf disappeared entirely causing the rabbit to look up in disbelief. The only thought going through his head was that he should be okay for now as he fainted.

-the next day-

The rabbit groans as he wakes up, his vision being a bit blurry as he sees some little type of dinosaur creature in front of him. He goes to sit up causing the creature to move away and start going on its own way, but the rabbit didn't care. He groaned softly as he rubbed his head a bit and stands up while looking forward. There are two things that he noticed - one of them being the tree is split in half, the other being that wolf's cane as it's smoking. With that the rabbit just starts walking to a certain destination in mind, though he now has a straw-hat on.

He walked through the woods that seemed so quiet the only thing you can hear is basically nature like the birds or insects. There was a slight change of smell in the wind though as he looks forward and sees the smoke up ahead. That got him worried as he runs over to where the smoke is, now he's in a small village. Everywhere looks deserted as there's a few things indicating that the village was attacked. Claw-marks on stone along with an arrow- even one of the houses was nothing but broken wood.

The rabbit looks around a bit as a crow can be heard cawing, he continued to walk into the small village, noticing more of the arrows in the houses. In the shadows was a pair of eyes watching him in a house, but it tried to stay hidden. The rabbit could feel eyes on him though as he continued to walk forward so he stopped. "I know you're here" he says while not really turning around, he just talked over his shoulder. The figure that was inside the building moved so it wouldn't be seen, so this annoyed the rabbit a bit.

"Come out!" He ordered while keeping his gaze on the house, waiting for this person watching him to face him in case it was a bad guy. What ran out though was a different creature dinosaur as it ran out with a cut off arm. The rabbit jumped back a bit to get out of the creature's way, he kept his hand on the hilt of his blade. Though a different sound got his attention as it was the creak of wood, so he looks back confused. There stood a female cat, one that he recognized "Akemi" he says a bit shocked to see here there.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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