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Louisa's p.o.v

Then he adds on "but manufacturing of all the necessary wires and compound in this Federal age would take approximately... 57 years." My eyes widen at that, but Mikey was the first to say "sweet! Good thing turtle's have long lives." Donnie smiled at that as I say "but humans don't... I don't want to spend the rest of my life here." We stop though since Usagi did and he lifts up his hand saying "listen" it was quiet besides the wind blowing. Leo was the first to say "what is it? I don't hear anything" we're all looking around to see what it is.

Usagi then told us "horses are approaching.. from the east" then he points that way, so looking over I don't see anything still. Though the sound of the hooves got my attention as we all share a look, the guys all ran up the trees. I pick up Kintaro and set him on my back as I power up and quickly move up a tree and stop by Mikey and Raph. Kintaro stayed on my back as we look down at the guys on horses go by, but Usagi starts to talk to Kintaro. "Kintaro, are these the samurai who attacked the village?" Usagi asks Kintaro who looks down at them.

Kintaro then whispers back "they are..." then he points at the bear leading them saying "that's Sumo Kuma" 'okay, that is such a weird name.' I ignore the thought as Usagi stands on the branch saying "we need to find out what his plan is for the boy. But how can we get close enough to hear them?" I smile at that and chuckle softly. "We're ninja" I whisper out which got Leo to add "we're experts at getting close to people." We all start go in stealth and knock out six men, once we have them knocked out we steal their armor.

Raph pokes my shoulder saying "can't you change? Like, to an animal person in case they can tell ya look different?" I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, I never tried" I say back as Leo starts to try and tie the knocked-out guys against a tree. With that I start to try and concentrate and changing- and felt my appearance change as I look down at myself. I'm still in my clothes as I am now a full-on dog looking person, so I smile and feel my tail wagging. "Nice" I say to myself as Donnie's jaw dropped "okay, that's cool" Donnie says as we still suit up.

Leo then says "quick, before they realize they're missing a few riders" Kintaro finally speaks up "what about me? You're missing a horse fools." I narrow my eyes at him as Usagi and Raph share a look before they get the basket off of a horse. Raph picks Kintaro up saying "alright, get in there, Shorty" I cross my arms as I give Raph a playful look. "I thought I was Shorty" I joke which got him to blush softly while narrowing his eyes at me. Though he sticks his tongue out me before looking back down at Kintaro saying "and don't make a peep."

Kintaro then complains "let me out of here!.. I told you, I don't like small spaces, I will have your head for this!" Raph finally set the lid on the basket. I take the lid back off saying "let me talk to him" I kneel down and look Kintaro in the eye. "Hey, it'll be okay - we just have to figure out what the plan is so we can prevent it and keep you safe. Okay? Then I'll make sure to pummel this dumb-butt for you" I say softly and motion my head back at Raph. Raph narrowed his eyes at me "hey!-" "really?" Kintaro asks, so I nod with a smile.

"Yeah" "okay... then you better let me right out!" Kintaro says back while softly glaring at me, so I nod once saying "promise." I gently set the lid back on as I get the mask back down and Usagi says "it's for your own good." Raph and Usagi then set the basket and start to make sure it's secure as it's on the horse. I walk over to Donnie as I hug him, he pats my shoulder before saying "excitable little guy, isn't he?" I chuckle at that. Though he adds "not at all what I pictured as a mystical savior of the realm to be like."

Then he softly smiles at me saying "you're good with children, you know that?" I blush as I look away and get on my horse. To change the subject I say "I-I think he could just be grumpy because he missed breakfast." Mikey bought the bait as he says "we all did! So hungry..." so I playfully roll my eyes at that. Leo spoke up as he says "quiet, ninjas - let's blend in" he got his mask on before getting the horse to go. We follow after him- Raph struggled, but we all followed nonetheless and it didn't take us long to catch up.

We're with the group now as the bear-guy, Kuma, is up on a hill while looking at the entire group as it kept going forward. "Hurry, stragglers! Keep up - the master awaits us" Kuma says before going back to the front of the group. I go up by Leo and Usagi whispering "spread out" Usagi nods once whispering "but do not let Sumo Kuma spot you." We all spread out a bit to listen in on what anyone could be saying, I stuck by Mikey and Raph. "I don't trust, Master Jei - but there is something in his voice that compels me" one of the guys say.

My eyes widen at that 'isn't that wolf guy named Jei?- from what Usagi told us, anyway??' I think to myself as I hard swallow. "He is a wise leader, we must obey- at whatever the cost" the other guy responds before going up ahead. Raph looks at me and Mikey whispering "'Master Jei'?" I nod in understanding but didn't say anything. Kuma looks back over his shoulder for a split few seconds before lifting up his club and we all stop as he does too. Now he turns around with a glare "we have intruders in our midst" 'uh oh... we're found out.'


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Yojimbo (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now