Holy Child?

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No one's p.o.v

Akemi smiles at the rabbit saying "I'm glad you've come" she has a bit of a spear of her own in her hold as she looks at the rabbit. She starts to walk over to him, but she had to use the spear as a cane as she did so, as if she injured her leg. The rabbit goes over to her while taking off his straw-hat and helped her stand straight. "What happened here?" He asks, so Akemi answers with "a band of Samurai. They must have been Ronin.. they were led by a mercenary called Sumo Kuma."

The rabbit looks down to the side a bit saying "I have never heard of him" she starts to speak again which got him to look at her. "All my samurai have been wiped out and many villagers too..." then she starts to walk to the side a bit. Then she adds "I barely escaped" she still used the spear as a cane as she kept explaining what happened. "They ransacked the village looking for the holy child but could not find him" she explained. She looks back at the rabbit from over her shoulder saying "come, Kintaro is this way.. I hid him well."

She leads the rabbit to a certain house that has not really been touched and it appeared to be empty as the only thing is a little door. Akemi opened the door and it shows a hole with a little pug-boy at the bottom holding an axe. He stands up without holding the weapon as he appeared cute/innocent at first. Then he went serious/annoying while saying "it's about time!! I was in there for days. How dare you treat me so disrespectfully?!? I don't like small places-" though up above is the rabbit as he rubs his chin a bit.

"This is the holy child?" He asks confused, so Akemi answers with "please humor him, Kintaro has been pampered his entire life." Then she looks down the hole as she continued talking to the rabbit "because he is the 'golden boy.' Destined to have superhuman abilities... just, not yet" then she bends over a bit while holding her hand out to him. She starts to pull him up as the rabbit helps by grabbing the hilt of the axe while Kintaro also held it. Akemi then talks to Kintaro "my apologies, Kintaro-sama - this is Miyamoto Usagi."

Akemi gestures her hand to the rabbit as she also says "he is a fierce swordsman, and with his help I will deliver you to the Temple Palace." Kintaro looks up at Usagi waving him off "bah! This sorry looking long-ear?" He doubted. Then he picks up his axe saying "he looks like he couldn't deliver sushi to a banquet." With that being said he starts to walk out, but once out the door Akemi grabs the hilt and pulls him back.

Kintaro does a small whine as he falls back, so she looks out the doorway to make sure no one is watching them before walking out herself. "We must get started immediately; the hour has already grown late" she says without using the spear as a cane. Usagi and Kintaro walk out too, but once they're out Akemi realized her mistake as her leg is still in pain. She fell forward with a small grunt, so both boys go towards her instantly "Akemi..." Usagi says as he stops. Then he adds "you're injured" Akemi has her hand on her hurt leg before looking up at Usagi.

"But I am.. not hurt badly" she tries to reassure as it sounds like she has a bit of pain in her voice, she stands up as she tries to show she's fine. Akemi has her spear in both hands again as she says "I must continue with you to escort the boy." It was obvious she was limping as she barely got far, then she couldn't take anymore steps as she put the spear to the ground. She groaned softly again while hunching over in pain, even Kintaro felt a bit worried for her. Usagi finally tells her "no, you are barely able to stand... much less travel over mountains."

Kintaro goes into Akemi's view as she says "you are right" she looks down at him saying "Kintaro, you must go with Usagi-san." The boy drops his weapon in a bit of a fit as he crossed his arms, but Akemi continued anyway. "Do what he says" she instructed Kintaro, he gets in a wide stance while glaring at her. "I am not listening to this stupid rodent" Kintaro says a bit rejectingly before crossing his arms again. He started to name a few things off "he was late for the battle and I don't like his face."

His eyes were closed, but when he opened them he sees Akemi kneeling down to look him in the eye and she starts to scold him a bit. "Taro-kun!" She says causing him to flinch a bit, but she continued "do what he says. He will protect you" Usagi was glaring at the boy while crossing his arms as even he is getting annoyed with him. Kintaro didn't notice though as he turns his back to the two and tapping his two fingers together nervously. "Well, I'll..." he wanted to reject this idea again, but also didn't want to hear her scold him again as he wants to be safe.

Which got him to agree as he wasn't happy about it "alright" he says and went back to facing the two saying "but I will hold on to my axe of power. Just remember your place, Ronin" he starts to swing at the air to show that he is serious. "And treat me with the respect I deserve" he says while still swiping at the air, but the weapon was too heavy for him. He fell back with the axe, so Usagi gets his straw-hat back on before looking back at Akemi and tipping his hat to her. Then he starts walking causing Kintaro to get up quickly and grab his axe while following Usagi.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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