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Louisa's p.o.v

Everyone begins to look at us, literally everyone... some even start to aim their arrows at us, so my eyes widen at this. "Look out!" Leo says as he takes off his mask and helmet, so I do the same as does Mikey. Though an arrow is heading right for Mikey and he isn't doing anything to stop it- luckily Usagi came and deflected it in time. "Woah! Thanks, Usagi-dude" Mikey says a bit shocked, with that he took down the few that were coming to attack us. Now we're riding off and away so we won't get hurt- or at the very worst, killed.

The gang began chase and we're having to fight while being on horses 'fought on a train, on a blimp, in many dimensions, in space. Even at different points in time... though I never thought I'd fight anyone while we're on horses.' I smile as I take down a few guys and their horses stopped since no one was telling them what to do. "How did you find us out?" Leo asks out as I look back to see him fighting Kuma back there. Kuma then yells out "you smell different!" 'Oh yeahhh- we come from the sewers, I shoulda seen this coming.'

Raph was somehow confused "what?!.. how do we smell different!?" He asked, so I let Mikey say this one since it really is obvious. "We live in the sewer, dude! It's not hard to figure out!!" Mikey told Raph, so I snicker at the way he said it. I start being side-by-side with Donnie, but he tried to hit me with his bo-staff making me yelp. "Donnie!" I yell at him "sorry, honeybee... I couldn't tell it was you" he apologizes, so I deadpan at him. Easily he took down a different guy, then was still fighting one which made Mikey help and take him out.

That's when I heard arrows being shot, so I look back for a quick second and freeze them in midair and make them go back at the shooters. Smiling softly I go back to looking forward before we had to jump across a bit of a space in the ground. We're still going as some guys tried to shoot more arrows at Leo, who wasn't paying attention. Luckily Mikey was going by and took the hit of an arrow with the pack that's attached to the armor. With that he used ninja stars to take them out, so now we're still just going and starting to lose them.

Usagi noticed that too as he says "faster, kappa and inu - we're losing them!" We're still going on horses as I notice there's little dinosaurs here. I softly gasp as I love the way they look "aww! Those are so cute!" I say out loud as we run by them. It feels like we lost them, but I know it's not that easy to lose someone, so we all look around. We go over a hill before we finally see some of the gang-dudes here "move ahead, children." Usagi goes a different way, so I'm just taking that as he wants us to keep going forward.

I only pay attention to my surroundings in case any other members show up randomly, after a bit Usagi and Kuma caught up with us. Without a second thought in mind I move my horse over by Kuma on the opposite side Usagi is on. "You're no match for me, little one!" Kuma says as Usagi just starts going faster. 'He's counting on me' I think before I bark which activated my screaming powers and made him fall off the horse. I chuckle as I finally take off the armor while standing on the horse and go to Mikey's side.

He took down two different guys at the same time before Raph makes a guy run off before the sound of something falling got my attention. We all look forward to see the basket containing Kintaro rolling forward down the pathway. "Kintaro!" Mikey yells out as he gets on my horse and I jump off as I fly after him to save him. I hear the guys on the horses following after me as Raph yells out "saving this brat better be worth it!" I roll my eyes. Determinations fills me up as I start getting closer to the basket as it continues to roll.

Looking up ahead I see it heading towards a tree, so my eyes widen as I continue to try and get to Kintaro before he's hurt. The sound of arrows being shot got my attention, so I look over and see it was Usagi who did it. 'I could use that to my favor' I think as I see where the arrows landed, smirking I go to where I think the basket could go. That's when I hear Kintaro screaming before I grab the basket and sigh in relief as I stop by Usagi's side. He smirks a bit before we start going again, but I skate by the guys' side as they ride on the horses still.

"Ride!" Usagi yells out as we go and try to avoid the gang and also avoid arrows at the same time, I tie the basket on my back. Looking over my shoulder my eyes widen "they're gaining on us!" Me and Leo yell out. Usagi then yells out "hurry, children!! Ride faster!" Donnie then says "oh no- cliff!!" I wasn't paying attention. Next thing I know is I skate off a cliff and we're all screaming as we fall, but I let myself fall until the last second. At that point I use my powers and start floating and sigh in relief when I realize that I'm okay.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!

P.s this was the literal end of the episode. Don't be mad at me for this cliff-hanger... eh? Get it? Get it?- 😂


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