10 - Third Technique

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"Don't call backup."

Since when could curses talk?

The curse proceeded to mumble something about it being unfair, since you'd have the upper hand when fighting with more than one person. You turned around before it could finish and swung the knife at its arm, leaving a small scratch which healed fast.

"Shut up. I know there's more than one curse with you," You said, pointing the knife at it. "If you want to have an even number of players, then don't complain when I call backup."

The curse screeched and ran at you, swiping claws at you. You dodged.

You attacked it with the knife, trying to get to its chest where its core was by attacking fast and kicking it. It landed a few scratches, but none were enough to draw too much blood. The curse was defending itself with ease, too.

Shit. If only I had my sword with me...

You were slow to react to it knocking you over. You fell hard on the road. The curse was standing right over you, ready to kill.

"I think I can sense more than one curse in the building, Gojo-sensei."

"Great job, you figured it out!"

"Was that sarcastic!?"

"No? Of course I'm proud of my beloved student!"

You heard footsteps along the road. Before the curse could turn around, a sword was swung right through it, cutting it in half. The curse vanished to reveal Megumi standing above you, holding the sword. His eyes widened when he saw you.


"Oooh, you know them!?" A white-haired man with a blindfold behind him teased, "And you're using their first name? Is that your partner, Megumi?"

"No, they're just a friend!" He retorted, putting the sword away. He turned back to you. "You're lucky my mission was here, aren't you?"

"I– I could have exorcised that curse!" You defended.

"Maybe not with that shitty knife," He said, then handed you a different cursed weapon. The blade was longer and thicker. "Gojo-sensei, they're going to be your new student soon. Treat them a little better than you treat me, alright?"

"I'm Y/n L/n!" You said to the man, "I promise you I would have been capable of exorcising that curse with the right weapon!"

"Don't worry, I can tell you're a strong sorcerer," He replied, "Nice to meet you, L/n-san!"

"Are you ok?" Megumi asked you.


"Great. Well, stay outside, Gojo-sensei and I will go in the building."

"Wait, why can't I help?"

"You were in trouble with that curse, don't deny it. I can't have you in that danger again."

"Don't underestimate me, Megumi," You spoke back, "You're forgetting how I saved your ass from dying on your last day of school."

"Yeah, well you're not using that cursed technique again."

"I don't rely on that alone!"

"It's fine, let L/n-san tag along," Gojo said to him. He sighed.

"Thanks, sensei," You said, "I've already been in, the door's unlocked."

"Alright, lead the way, L/n-san!"

You picked up your phone, which had shattered when it was dropped, and walked in with the two closely following behind you. You lead them up the stairs to find another curse. It lunged at you, pinning you down, trying to land a claw on your face.

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