chapter one

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Venus sat in the backseat of Yasmine's car, a joint between her lips. The five teenage girls dancing around to the music oblivious to the world around them. "This weed is amazing Moony." The blonde girl giggled as she passed the joint.

"Sam, want any?" Moon asked as she blew out smoke. Venus noticed the unsure look on the brunette's face. "You don't have to." She told the girl who gave a thankful smile. "Well more for me." Honey spoke up from beside Venus.

The girls giggled knowing Honey had been sleeping until the scent of weed hit her nose. "Okay everyone in for a selfie." Yasmine called from the drivers seat. All the girls leaned together for a picture.

"Yas, maybe you shouldn't be on your phone." Sam said when the girl swerved slightly. The blonde scoffed from the front. "Calm down Sam, I though you weren't a loser anymore?." Sam instantly shut up at the girls harsh tone.

The brunettes eyes searched hoping one of the other girls would say something Yasmine, but Moon just stared out the window and Honey and Venus were braiding each others hair. She sighed leaning back in her seat.

Venus giggled alongside her friend as the combined their braids. Moon looked back at the girl, a small smile on her lips. "Moon hello?" The girl snapped her head over as the sound of Yasmine's voice. "What?"

"Look at all the likes we're getting." Yasmine showed her phone over to Moon, pretending she didn't notice the stare that was set on Venus. Even before they all became friends it was obvious that she had a crush on the blonde but she never said anything.

The car swerved slightly as Yasmine was showing Moon her phone. Without any warning the car crashed into another screams left each girls mouth.Honey and Venus groaned as their heads smashed together.

"Are you okay?" Moon immediately asked Venus as Sam shouted at Yasmine. "I'm good." She answered, with a slight giggle earning glared from the other panicked girls. "What are we gonna do?"

"We have to call the police." Sam cried out. Yasmine glared back at the girl. "We can't, my parents will kill me." Before the other girls could respond someone pounded on the window. 

Honey who was on the side where the man came up jumped back in fear, once again hitting head with Venus. "Drive!" Moon screamed. "Hey where do you think you're going? Where do you think your going." The man shouted.

"Go Yasmine!" At Honey's words Yasmine seemed to snap out of her trance of fear, she quickly switched the car into drive and stepped on the gas. 

The car was silent for a moment after they pulled away from the man. "Remind me to never braid my hair into someone else's ever again." Venus spoke up to no one in particular.

Everyone looked at the blonde girl who was rubbing her head before the car filled with laughs, even the LaRusso girl who was upset with them all.


The next day the five girls sat at the LaRusso pool party as if nothing had happened the night before. Sam, Yasmine, and Honey sat on the edge of the pool, while Moon and Venus tried to balance on each other in the water. 

"Okay, you were totally right. This is so much fun." Sam told the girls. "Told you." Yasmine said, trying to ignore how Honey nestled her head into her neck. "Always better to be the one throwing the party."

Yasmine smirked. "And Kyler's been eye-banging you all day." The girls eyes all traveled to the boy nodded at them.  "Please don't date Kyler." Venus told Sam. "He's a douche bag."

"Yeah but he's a hot douche bag." Yasmine cut in, frowning slightly as Honey pulled her head away. "I'm gonna get another drink." Honey said walking away from the girls. 

Yasmine huffed and got up from the pool. "Hey Rory, doy your flip again!" She called out in a flirty tone, her eyes watching Honey's reaction.The two liked each other but they were both too stubborn to admit it, so the resulted to either flirting or trying to make each other jealous.

"Hey, hey, what's going on here?" Mr. LaRusso shouted when he walked into his backyard. Sam stood up nervously. "All right, everybody get out of here now." He sighed.

All of the teens started towards the exit. Though Venus and Moon still were in the pool, unaware of the world around them. "We did it!" The blonde cheered as they finally balanced, floating in each others arms.

The girls grinned, staring into each others eyes. It took everything in Moon not to lean in and kiss the girl, but she was too scared to ruin their friendship.

But unknown to Moon, Venus liked her back. The blonde just didn't know how to express herself. Love wasn't common in the Mills household.

"Venus, Moon!" The shouts of the man broke the girls concentration and they both fell under the water. "What the hell, we were couple floating." Venus whined when she arose from the water, missing the blush on Moon's cheeks. "What? You know, I don't care. Just get out of my pool."

Moon gave the man and apologetic smile, grabbing onto Venus's hand and pulling her out of the pool. "See you tomorrow Sam!" Venus waved as the four girls left the house. 

"V, you really have to learn how to read signals." Yasmine said as the girls climbed into her car. "Why, was something wrong?" The girl asked confused. The other three sighed shaking their heads.


Venus and Honey walked through the lunch line together, waiting until the line was almost empty. Honey couldn't handle the crowds and Venus didn't like having people watch what she grabbed.

Whilst Honey loaded up her try with different chips and desserts, Venus merely grabbed an apple and a water.

"Thats all you're getting V?" Honey asked the girl. Venus felt her heart drop at the question, it always did, but she just chuckled. "Not all of us are blessed with a high metabolism Hon."

Honey was concerned for her friend, she had been for years, but she knew not to budge. That would only send Venus on a week long bender of only weight loss tea.

The pair passed a table holding Eli Moskowitz and Demetri Alexopoulos. "Hey guys.' Venus sent the pair a small wave, Honey copying the action.

Forgotten by basically everyone in the school, Honey and Venus used to be best friends with the boys. "Hi V, Hon." Eli said quietly with a smile. Demetri sent a small glare to them.

He was the one that decided they should stop talking to the girls. It bothered him that they so easily hung with the girls who bullied him and Eli and rightfully so, that's why Venus and Honey never questioned them about it.

But the girls still were always friendly with them and most of the time the boys were too, considering since they were kids there were always crushes between them and they never really went away.

"Hey guys." Demetri finally smiled at the pair, he wanted to hate them but he couldn't. Another boy walked over to the table with a confused look.

"Oh hi, Im Venus and this is Honey." Venus smiled brightly at the boy. "Im Miguel." He smiled back but was still unsure why these beautiful girls were at his table. "We'll see you guys later."

"Bye." Eli said, still smiling at the blonde who sent him a short wink before they sat at their own table. Honey ignoring the judging stare from Yasmine and Venus completely not noticing it.


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