chapter six

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Venus and Moon waited out of the dojo for Eli to get out of his second lesson. "I'm bored." Venus whined from the passengers seat. Moon sighed looking over to her girlfriend. "It's still another hour til he's out."

"An hour?" She exclaimed with wide eyes. "What are we supposed to do for an hour?" Moon smirked at the blonde.  "I have an idea."

Venus giggled leaning closer to the girl. "Do you?" Moon nodded playfully. "Yeah, I do." Just as the girls lips brushed against each other Moon pulled back. "Oh no." Venus followed her eyes towards the building.

Eli rushed towards the car, tears streaming down his face. Venus gasped and quickly ran over to the boy. "E, what's wrong?" She asked in a soft voice. Moon joined the pair outside the car.

Each girl placed a hand on the boy's shoulders. He sniffled, trying to wipe his tears. "N-nothing." He answered, his voice cracking. "I'm fine."

The girls shared an unconvinced look. "Baby you can tell us." Moon told the boy a small smile. He let out shakey breath. "He made fun of my lip again."

"Who?" Moon asked sharply. Even though she still didn't know him the best, it hurt to see him so upset. "Sensei Lawrence." He said, messing with Venus's fingers. "I'm gonna kill him."

Eli took a hold of the brunette's arm. "Please don't, can we just go?" The girl nodded, letting go of her anger. "Of course."

Moon got into the drivers seat and Venus got into the back with Eli. They wanted to make sure the boy felt comfortable. He cuddled into the blonde's side and the brunette kept a comforting hand on his leg.

"Your Sensei is an asshole." Venus said as she wrapped her arms around the boy. "Thanks V." He chuckled softly, wiping his tears.

Moon didn't bring them home as Eli stayed tucked into the girls side for a while. She knew it would be better to let him calm down on his own time.

"I'm just so done with all of it, you know?" He told them, sitting up slightly. Moon and Venus shared a look of concern. "Not like that." He said quickly when he saw their faces.

He sighed. "But all of the bullying and the name calling. I need to do something to stop it. I need to flip the script."

Venus's eyes lit up. "Can we do a makeover?" She asked excited. "We totally have to do a makeover." Moon agreed. The girls stared at him with pleading eyes.

"We're gonna do a makeover." Eli told them. Chuckling when he saw both girls grin at him.


"Are you sure this is safe?" Eli asked as the girls rinsed his hair in Moon's bathtub. "Oh yeah, we bleach V's hair all the time." Moon assured him. "I know the bleach is fine but should we wait to put in the dye?"

"It's probably fine." Venus shrugged. Eli gave her a look at her unsure tone. "Probably?" The blonde gave him a weak smile. "Would you rather be blonde for a week?" Moon asked him.

Eli instantly shook his head. "Lets do the dye, I don't think I could pull off blonde." Venus giggled brushing in the dye she mixed up. "You could pull off anything."

"That's totally not true." He chuckled softly, messing with his fingers. "Don't say that E." Moon said crouching in front of the boy, grabbing his hands. "You're amazing."

He smiled at the brunette with red cheeks. He wasn't used to having someone to boost his self esteem, let alone two. "Thanks Moon." She gave him a short kiss before joining Venus behind him.

"Can we rinse it out yet? It's getting cold." Eli asked the girls. After Venus put in the blue dye the three sat on the floor of Moon's bathroom watching Teen Wolf. "Sure, it's been long enough." 

Venus rinsed out Eli's hair again. "It looks so good." She cheered, kissing his cheek. "Look, Moon, look." The brunette chuckled as she came back into the bathroom.  "It's really cool."

Eli smiled at the girls before grabbing one of the containers of gel they'd bought. "You never told us what you're doing with the gel." Moon said, jumping onto the counter. Venus stood between her legs.

"Mohawk." He said shortly. "You're doing a mohawk?" Moon snorted lightly. He sent her a playful glare. "Yes and it's gonna be bad ass." The girls smiled at his slight boost in confidence.

"You look hot E." Moon told the boy once he finished his hair. Eli smirked at the girl. "Told you I would, what do you think?" He looked to Venus, who watched him with wide eyes.

The blonde shook her head slightly. "It's different, but I like it a lot." She smirked, as her hand brushed the blue spikes. 

"Thanks for helping me with all of this." He said as they walked to Moon's bedroom. "Of course." Venus said as the girls started changing. 

His eyes went wide and he started towards the door. "Where do you think your going?" Moon asked, grabbing his shoulders. "I w-was gonna wait o-out there."

"Turn around Eli." Venus said in a teasing voice. "We're not gonna bite." Moon added. 

His breath hitched when he turned back to the girls. The girls stood side by side, only in their under ware. "Where'd the confidence go?" Moon smirked.

"Don't be mean." Venus whispered, nudging her girlfriend. "If you're uncomfortable Eli-" But he quickly cut her off. "No, not uncomfortable at all." He smirked walking closer to them. "Just needed a minute."

He leaned down kissing Venus, more lustful then her ever had before. Before switching over to Moon. His hands roaming around both of the girls. They looked at him in shock as he pulled away.

"You sure you want to do this?" Moon asked as she and the blonde climbed onto her bed. "Positive." He said, following them on the bed. "I can handle both of you just fine."


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