chapter four

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Venus, Moon, Honey, and Yasmine all sat together in Moon's car, passing around a bowl. "I feel kinda bad about ghosting Sam." Venus said as she took a hit.

"V, remember what she told Kyler?" Yasmine reminded the girl. Venus paused think for a second. "Oh yeah, I totally forgot." She giggled. "Never mind Sam sucks."

A few days before Sam had her date with Kyler. Shortly after he came to the four girls to tell them what happened.

Apparently Sam had gone off about how she was so much better than the four them. How she was only friends with them cause she felt bad, you with all of their 'issues'. 

The girls immediately knew that their 'issues' was referring to and it hurt them all a lot that Sam would not only tell Kyler about them, but make fun of the girls for it.

She also supposedly offered to go down on the boy in theater, and quoted by kyler, 'he couldn't say no, even though it was crazy'. The girl could really care less about that though.

So the four had been ignoring Sam for the whole week and even went to the concert without her.

"You got that right." Honey said taking bowl from Venus. "This is really good Moon." Venus told the brunette as she blew out smoke. 

"My mom gave me this weed for my birthday." Moon giggled. "And she says it's like lower in calories or something." Yasmine and Venus both perked up at the information.

Normally Moon and Honey withheld speaking of that stuff but they were to high to even realize what she had said.

"Felt that one." Yasmine coughed as she took a hit. The girls giggled at her reaction but they faded when homeless woman stared into the car. "Don't look."

"I feel bad not looking at her." Moon whispered. "Oh my god, we just made eye contact." She panicked.

"Now she's coming over." Honey muttered as her and Venus pretended to watch her phone. "You see what you've done." Yasmine said, she tried to sound annoyed but they were all mostly scared.

The girls screamed as the woman slammed her hands on the window. "Open up and give me money!" She shouted. 

"I ain't gonna hurt ya." The woman taunted. "Lock the doors." Yasmine told Moon. "It'll look bad doing that right in front of her." Moon said.

"Look I don't wanna be mean either, but she's being super scary." Honey told Moon. The brunette sighed but went to lock the doors.

The right side back door flew open before she could, making the girls in the car scream once again. "What the hell Sam?" Yasmine shouted. "We thought you were the homeless person." Venus cried out.

"Why have you guys been avoiding me?" Sam asked the four, she actually liked being their friend most of the time. "Kyler told us what you said." Yasmine glared.

Sam looked between the girls hurt looks in confusion. "Wait, what did he say?" She asked. 

"Well we didn't take notes, but pretty much that you think you're better than us and we're some charity case." Honey snapped at the girl.

"Cause you know, 'our issues'?" Yasmine added. Sam's eyes went wide. "You were no one before we let you in."

Sam scoffed. "I never said a word about any of you. That's not what went down." They wanted to believe her but there was no other way Kyler could've known.

"Oh, Kyler told us what went down." Yasmine smirked. "And who went down." Honey added.

"We're not one to slut shame Sam." Moon started. "But in a movie theater? That yucky." Venus finished her thought. "Whatever Kyler told you was a lie." Sam said hurt that they believed him.

Venus sighed. "We want to believe you but there's no other way he'd know some of that stuff." She frowned.

"Just get the hell out of Moon's car." Yasmine said not wanting to hear more excuses from Sam. 

Sam scoffed and threw open the door again. "Enjoy puking out your burritos." Sam snapped before leaving the car.

Venus felt her heart drop at the words. Her and Yasmine shared a look of hurt, Sam had betrayed them. The girls thought they could forgive her but not after that.


After what Sam had said Venus and Yasmine were clearly upset, whether they'd admitted it or not. Moon took Venus for a walk and Honey took Yasmine.

"Why are we taking a walk?" Venus asked Moon as they walked hand in hand down the sidewalk. "It's a nice day." Moon smiled. 

The blonde shrugged, mumbling a small 'okay'. She still felt uneasy about what Sam had said, though she tried not to show it. No one ever directly said anything about her and Yasmine's problems.

"Where are we going?" Venus asked. Moon chuckled lightly. "Where ever you want V." The girls eyes lit up. "Can we stop at the Mini Mart?" 

Moon was taken aback slightly. After what Sam said she didn't expect the girl to want to be around food. "Oh, of course." She answered after a moment with a smile. "Good, they have the best fitness drinks."

The proud feeling Moon felt faded but she nodded, not wanting to upset the girl. Venus grinned before she began skipping down the sidewalk.

Moon giggled as she tried to keep up with Venus. The blonde was trying her best to forget about what Sam had said.

A few minutes later the pair ended up at the small Mini Mart in the strip mall. "Do you want anything to eat?" Moon asked from over a shelf as Venus grabbed a drink. Venus paused for a second.

"How about I get a couple snacks and if you get hungry you can have some but you don't have to eat any?" Moon offered in a soft tone. The blonde's nervous look turned into a smile. "Yeah, that's good."

Venus couldn't help the warm feeling she got as Moon was being so sweet to her. After they paid they sat on a small bench outside of the store.

"Thank you Moon." Venus said as she took a sip out of her can. "For what?" Moon asked looking over to her. The pair leaned closer together. "Being so perfect." She whispered as their lips connected slightly.

It was a small kiss but they both filled with butterflies at the contact. Venus pulled away, smiling at the brunette who held a deep blush.


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