Episode 10: Regular Pillow Talk

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The two of you lay in bed, having just slipped into your underwear and nothing more. The blanket was pulled up just bellow your chests, leaving Zenitsu's muscular pecs exposed. You like it that way.

"That was amazing!" Zenitsu says as he lets out a sigh of satisfaction. You're not completely surprised that Zenitsu's first words after sex somehow managed to be a huge cliché. "I've never felt anything like that."

"Not to mention your sex-drive is unreal. You had, like, four orgasms. In fact, I'm not entirely sure there's not still cum in my hair." You run your hands through your hair, feel nothing, but you still aren't entirely convinced. 

There's silence. 




It's a pleasant, dreamy silence. A silence where words don't need to be spoken between the two of you. And if they are spoken, they would feel out of place.

Twenty whole minutes goes by and not one of you talks. You just exchange loving glances at each other.

And then the silence is broken.

"Maybe we shouldn't do Final Selection, [Y/N]." Zenitsu says with a tone that implies he's confident in this unmade decision. Your eyes widen in shock. For the past year, you've wanted, more than anything, to become a demon slayer. "I mean, what are the chances we can both be together after Final Selection? One of us will most likely die. But if we don't go, the chances of both of us surviving are guaranteed." 

Funny. Despite his confidence in his answer, he still felt the need to explain himself. 

"Zenitsu," You sigh. You don't know what to say. You think for a moment, actually contemplating whether you should do what he's suggesting. "I know you haven't, but I've lost family to demons. I have something to fight for. The thought of other people losing loved ones to demons makes me sick." You turn your head and look at Zenitsu, he looks disappointed and that hurts to look at. What you're going to say next will be hard, but you need to get it out there.

" Zenitsu, I love you to the moon, then to the sun, and then to fucking Pluto, then back again. But no matter how many people I lose along the way, no matter how much pain I'm in, I know that there are good people out there who deserve my protection- deserve our protection. I won't let them die when I'm a demon slayer. And I won't let you die in final selection."

"Those are flowery words, no doubt about that." Your partner says with his dead expression. "But has it crossed your mind that you might die? I didn't have many friends before I came here. Now, I probably actually have less. I don't know what I'd do if Final Selection cost your your life. Asides from Gramps, you're my only friend. Not to mention my only boyfriend." 

"Well, I'd be worried if you had another." You scooch closer to him until your thighs and torsos are touching. You rest your head on his chest and tears begin to stream down your face. "I want to be able to live." You cry. "I just want to be with you. But I need to become a Demon Slayer. You don't have to go." Your tears fall onto Zenitsu's pecs and rest there as droplets, shaking slightly with each breath he takes. You watch them as you lay on his chest, your too embarrassed of your crying to look at anything else. 

No, that's not true.

You're too embarrassed and ashamed of the fact that you would let Zenitsu put his life in danger just to help you fulfill your dream.  

Zenitsu puts his arm around you, your body trembles as you take in heaving breaths between sobs. 

"Final Selections coming up quick, isn't it? I don't want to go. But I'm gonna do it for you." He says. You can tell he's trying to be strong, but you can hear the crybaby in his shaking voice. 

You fall asleep an hour later, his chest as your pillow. 

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