Chapter two. visitor

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I screamed as I flew. It was exhilarating. I was so free. The first thing I noticed when I landed in the water was the roughness of the waves. But I didn't care. I held my head above the water and looked around taking it all in. My eyes met my sisters and we both laughed in excitement and disbelief. We had really done that. We were bad ass. Our excitement was cut short when a huge wave crashed down on both of us. Throwing us around. The water started to get angrier and I was forced in different directions. The waves pushing me back down anytime I got the chance to resurface. I had lost Bella. I wanted to scream for her but I couldn't. The water was stopping me. I was freaking out. I tried to calm myself down. Though that's kinda hard to do when your drowning.
I'm drowning
I was drowning. Why the fuck was I trying to fight it. I couldn't think of a reason. So I stopped. I let myself sink. I could feel my consciousness slipping away from me and I let it. The last thing I saw were those red eyes.

I walked up to a women. Red hair. Red eyes. But not the red eyes I had gotten used to. No. There was something different about them. Something off about the shape and the shade. She said something that I didn't hear. I was right inftont of her but she didn't seem to notice. In fact she was staring right through me. I turned around to see who she was looking at. There were the eyes that I knew. The dark red irises I had come to... love?
He seemed to see me. He looked right at me.
"Move"  said a voice.
Suddenly I was watching them from afar. They ran at eachother and I couldn't stop the scream that came out of my mouth.

I jumped up startled and confused. Like I was in a daze. I looked around and saw that I was at jacobs. In his bed? I started to cough. I couldn't stop. What was wrong with me. Oh yeah. I basically just tried to kill myself. Well not really but technically. If anyone asked I could tell them it was for fun. I had told Bella that. Or well something along those lines. So they could just ask Bella if they didn't believe me. But deep down I knew I was just trying to break free from this hell. But I wouldn't tell anyone. I wouldn't even admit that to myself. Out loud anyway.
Well I guess I made it. Im alive. I went to stretch and immediately regretted it. Groaning in pain. I sat there for a moment.
Thinking about that... dream? Who was that lady? But more importantly why were the eyes back. Why was the man back. Why did I keep on dreaming about him. I could never remember anything about him. About how he looked. All I could ever remember were his eyes. I could remember the lady though. She had long red wavy hair. Almost curly. Thinking about her made me feel sick. I dont know why. I could feel an inkling of hatred deep within my soul when I thought about her. I shuddered and stopped. Redirecting my thoughts to the man. Why was I in love with him? Last time I saw him I was afraid and now I loved him?
I shook my head. "Just a dream" I muttered. My throat hurting as I spoke. My head was pounding and it hurt to breathe but I would get over it. Despite the pain I stood up and made my way to the living room. Bella and Jacob were on the couch. Both out cold. "Guys" I said the loudest my sore voice would allow. No answer. I shook Bella and she slowly opened her eyes.
"Oh Belle your awake!" She exclaimed. I just nodded. " Jacob wake up" she shook him and he slowly woke up too. He looked around for a second. " belle! You're okay. I would've taken you to the hospital but Bella wouldn't let me"
I felt a smile grow on my face."I knew you would appreciate it. I dont think you would've wanted to explain that to Charlie. And obviously I dont want to either so let's keep quiet about this" she said standing up. "Oh yeah of course, he'd probably send you away to military school and me to a fucking mental hospital" I laughed. Bella and Jacob laughed too. Knowing that it was probably true.
"Well we should probably get going"

I awoke as Jacob pulled up to our house. Charlies car still wasn't there. "Wheres Charlie??"I asked Bella. "Oh well Harry had a heart attack and i think he's just sorting out some things to do with his funeral."
I gasped. Harry clearwater was Charlie's best friend. "Thats awful!"
The vibe in the car was a bit off. I couldn't tell if it was because of this awful news or a conversation they had while I was asleep. It was probably both. I got out of the car and started walking to the house. Bella got out but Jacob pulled her back in. They seemed to be arguing about something. I think I heard him say vampire or something? That can't be right I must of misheard that. "Bella?!" I yelled. She got out of the car and slammed the door leaving Jacob behind. He got out of the door and ran away.
Jeez what's his problem. "What was that about??"I asked my sister. "Uhhh well it seems that Carlisle is here. He saw his car" she pointed at the black car parked on the street. "Why is Carlisle here?" I asked shocked. She just shrugged. "Why was Jacob mad though"
Bella shrugged again."he just doesn't like the cullens I guess"
Her voice was off. She seemed to be getting impatient. Someone needs to calm down. That weed Charlie stole might of been able to help her rn. It would definitely help me. "Okay let's go see him then I guess".

Belle (caius x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora