Chapter six. Hiding thought's

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As I stared at the god like man I couldn't help the awe inspired look on my face.
Go to him Go to him
I hadn't thought that. Not on purpose anyway. It was like there was someone else inside of me telling me what to do. Or more like a different part of me. A part that knew the truth. It took all of my will power to pull my gaze away from him in favor of staring at the floor. And it took even more (if that was possible) not to go to him.
I felt a little afraid of the strength of this feeling.
I looked back up at him in a quick moment of weakness and saw a look of disgust on his face. Not that he didn't already have one but this one was more intense. He turned away and focused on what was going on with Edward and Bella with a cold disinterest. I looked back down. I felt a surge of pain in my heart. The emotional kind. I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw. This was not like me. Why did I suddenly care so much about this strangers opinion of me.
I also felt a bit embarrassed ill admit. Come on Arabella be you.
Man I just wanna get high or something
I thought looking around the room. Okay good im back to being me.
"And this is your humans sister?" Aro asked Edward. Suddenly my attention was focused on what was actually happening.
Aro nodded. " I wonder" he paused turning to look at you "would you also be immune to our gifts"
I tried to look as un bothered as possible. I shrugged.
"Well I can read her mind" Edward said. My eyes widened. He fucking what. I looked at him shocked. "Really belle have you been paying attention at all?" Alice raised an eyebrow. I just faked a smile. I did not want Edward in my fucking thoughts.
Got to hide them got to hide them
"Wait, now I cant" Edward added confused.
At this all three kings turned their attention to me.
"Brother" the not god like one said.
"A second" Aro said lifting his hand in a sort give me a sec gesture.
"What did you do younge one" he looked at me curiously.
I found the courage to speak. " I didnt want him hearing my thoughts so I kind of just... hid them?"
An almost manic looking grin appeared on his face as he walked toward me. I tried my hardest to stay still. " I can see your entire life just from touching your hand"
He said holding a hand out. " see if you can block it" he grinned. He seemed... excited?
Well I guess I have no choice.
I tried my hardest to hide away my memories. I can't really explain how I did it. I sort of just put them some where only I could see?
I held out my hand and he grabbed it.
Fuck his hands are cold. Well I guess he's dead so that kinda makes sense.
He looked at me and let go of my hand.
" magnifico" he exclaimed with a creepy laugh. He seemed kind of crazy and scary but for some reason I don't know. He seems sort of likable? Like enduring.
He went back up to his ' brother' apparently. The one who had called for him before and held out his hand. Aros eyes brightened. " Well it seems that you are all free to leave" he announced.
"Excluding of course, Belle"
Sorry guys I am like not consistent at all
Is that even how u spell that idk man anyway hope u liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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