Chapter four. A vacation

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Alice drove us away. Bella was in the passenger seat freaking out about Edward. Looked like she was gonna have a heart attack. "And did we really have to involve arabella in this? This is dangerous. The volturi won't be happy about you telling one human but two!?" Bella ran her hand through her hair. I just sat in the back silently. Looking out the window. I can't believe I agreed to go to Italy with them to save bellas stupid boyfriend. He fucking ruined her. And now she's flying all the way to a different country to save him? And even worse i am too? I don't know why but knowing what I know now I just couldn't say no. Alice is a vampire. Vampires are real. All the cullens are vampires! I know it sounds crazy but something about it just made perfect sense to me. When I thought about the man from my dreams I just couldn't deny that vampires were real. But he's not even real! So I don't know what's going on with that logic. All I know is that she's telling the truth.
"Trust me Bella she'll be fine I've seen it"
Alice said in an attempt to calm my sister down. "That doesn't explain why we need her with us" Bella replied.
"She will help" Alice said simply.
"Who are the volturi?" I asked quietly.
"They're kind of like vampire royalty" Bella said. "They make the rules and they enforce them" Alice added.
"How do they enforce them?"
Alice glanced at me in the rear view mirror for a moment. "Anyone found guilty of breaking the law will be killed"
I could feel my anxiety start to rise. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go with them. Its too late now. Feels like im in too deep. Plus usually I would be up for an adventure. Any thing to distract from the mundane life I lived. The lack of anything interesting in my life had always made my depression worse. I felt like I lived for nothing. The same thing every day. So the rare chance I got to break free from that you bet I would be doing whatever it was. But now that something actually exciting was happening. Something that actually felt important. I just wanted to be at home in bed safe. This wasn't like me. I was scared of dying? I want to die dont I? Ussually I wouldn't have minded the whole death part but now that I know vampires are real. Now that I have this feeling vampires and this dream man are connected I feel like I might actually have something to live for? I can't explain it. I'd never been this confused in my life. Id never felt so many things at once. I had recently just tried to kill myself, I had nearly been free and now I was back to having to deal with this constant sadness and anxiety, vampires were real, I was on a what sounded like a potential suicide mission and I couldn't shake this feeling I had about this dream man. I stared through the window at the night sky. I saw his red eyes.
"I need cigarette" I muttered.

Sorry this is so short and like not that much happens. I can only write so much at a time. This isn't completely filler tho a lot of the questions she is asking her self are important to the plot. This is happening towards the end of new moon by the way.
Stay tuned 4 more 2morrow

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