chapter three. Secrets out

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Bella opened the door and looked around. No one in sight. "Bella!" Alice appeared out of thin air. I jumped and Bella gasped. "Alice!" She hugged her.
"What are you doing here?" Bella asked excitedly. "How are you alive?" Alice asked. Not much of an answer.
Notice how she hasn't said a word to me yet. Its not like she hates me or anything. I actually quite like her. And she likes me. But not as much as bella. No one likes me as much as they like Bella. Anytime I'm with her all the attentions on her. And when I'm not with her its always "hows Bella doing?" . Never anything about me. I didnt blame her for it. But it definitely bothered me a bit more than I'd like to admit.
"Bella can I talk to you in private?" Alice asked. I sighed.
Alice smiled at me and they went up stairs.
I sat down. Feeling like I was about to cry. I had been so close to escape and now here I was dealing with the same shit as always. I reached in my jacket pocket and took out a cigarette. I really shouldn't be smoking in the house. What if Charlie walks in. What if he smells it later. I don't know I don't really care at this point. I got my lighter from another pocket and lit it. Putting it to my lips I felt instant relief. Alice and Bella walked back in as I let out a puff of smoke. Bella shook her head. I rolled my eyes. " Those are really bad for you belle" Alice stated walking up to me. Wow really I had no idea. Way to state the obvious "I know" I smiled. She sat down next me. It was silent for a moment. Until it wasn't. Jacob bolted through the door.
"Jacob what are you doing here!" Bella looked annoyed.
"I had to see you were if you were hurt" Jacob said glancing at Alice.
"Why would she be hurt?" I asked confused.
"I would never hurt her" Alice said offended.
I was getting more and more confused by the second. Jacob stared at Bella. "Maybe we should give them some privacy" Alice said. It did look like they both had a lot to say. I just nodded. Alice took my hand and we walked outside. 
"What was that about?" I asked Alice.
Alice just smiled. "Nothing to worry about, now how have you been belle" she asked.
I took a drag of my ciggerate and rolled my eyes. "Come on man" I said as calmly as I could. Suddenly her eyes were glazed over and she looked like she was in another world. "Alice?" I asked. What was wrong her. She shook her head and looked at me. Her eyes wide
"Would you believe me if I said I was a vampire"
"What?" I laughed. Did I hear that right.
"I'm a vampire" she said. I scoffed. What the fuck was she doing.
"Prove it" I laughed again.
She looked at me for a moment and then sped from where she was standing in front of me to right next to me with an inhuman speed. My eyes widened and I gasped. My heart beat accelerated. Was I seeing things. I looked at her. Really looked at her properly for the first time and noticed her eyes. They reminded me of the man from my dream. Suddenly it clicked. I believed her. "Holy shit" I muttered.
"Now come on we have no time its urgent" she yelled dragging me back inside.

This isn't edited or checked or anything so sorry about that.. and sorry 4 my absence

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