V-10 FIBI? The confusion

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Same day (17th) night:

“I'm really sorry. I wished I could just fly to airport and see you. Actually, Ashi was unwell. Her family is on a vacation. Manager was out of city looking after schedules, contracts. I have to attend her." Shaurya sent her a voice note. He was upset and guilty.

"So what I think matters too much to him! If not why would he be explaining things?" Anokhi seemed happy throwing her weight on the bed, smiling hugging the pillow. “Or maybe he is nice like he is to all, and doesn't want to hurt me." She closed her eyes trying to decode his unspoken opinion on her.

"Okay! I understand!" She replied back after an hour. She literally spent that time and brain cells to type those three words.


"So ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our world of art and creativity......I know you are eager to know the face of this organisation.....you might be wondering why he is secretive...well, it's his personal choice. And you all are bound to respect his privacy as you signed in agreement. Learn, improve, give your best The more good you are, the more you shine! The workshop will start this afternoon, sharp 2 PM..." An announcement was made. The arrangements, equipment everything was in place.

"I'm more curious than I was, when India was in World Cup finale..." Aahir exclaimed when Shaugun, Anokhi, and him met during lunch break.

"BTW Anokhi.....I'm jealous of you..." Aahir said glaring.

"What?" Anokhi raised her brows almost choking. She cursed him for just making her spitting out food. She was super hungry
and was devouring whatever was on table.

"Come on, won't you be...if a third person is becoming close to your friend?" He chuckled."Shaurya just told me yesterday, being stressed out about health and how you helped him. Thanks, but I still envy!"

Shaurya was the emotion her heart already carried from India to Paris. Aahir was waking that again.

 Aahir was waking that again

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"You don't have to worry. Your place as bestfriend is intact. Because she is more than just a friend..." Shagun said.

"....really...?" Aahir smiled confused.

"I talked to his mom the other day. It was a conversation about career and some good old memories. She mentioned about Anokhi too. Not sure what level you are in, she seems to be a SHAKHI shipper." Shagun made Anokhi fluster.

"What is SHAKHI?" Aahir asked.

"I can't believe you can be this hopeless at times..." Shagun smirked.

"There is nothing guys!" Anokhi was badly stuck between them.

Shagun was quite different person when she was with Aahir. There were days Anokhi hesitated to greet her either. Unless Shaugun spoke something or other, Anokhi never took initiative owing to mood swings of the former. Shagun would tease him, crack jokes, laugh often, be affectionate, very comfortable, and would open up to people around too.

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