18. Life Goes On

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“Who can possibly hate Anokhi? All rubbish comments! Fake profiles it seems!" Shaurya huffed.

“I have an idea!" He said squinting.

Fifteen minutes and boom, Ashi added a story mentioning those  I'ds with caption 'These users are bullying my friend online. Please help. Stop cyber bullying!'

Ashi's fans who were already mourning over her detoriating health spammed DMs of those users alongside reporting.

“Crazy! Isn't it!" Shaurya was proud of himself for pulling few strings. It was even  trending on Twitter. “Now he..or she will experience how hurtful is trolling! They won't dare do that again."

“Ashi is really something! She knows what to do always." Anokhi was all praises. “Hey! Don't be upset! In our memories she is forever  preserved." She said some motivating words to Shaurya.

“Well, I'm taking leave. See you again!" She took goodbye after a while.

“Don't you think it's time to tell the truth to Aarav?" Shagun pinged Shaurya.

“Can he take it? I'm scared!" Shaurya sighed.

“Let"s wait for a week or more!" Shagun nodded.


“We are rooting for you! Do your best!" Anokhi showed up at the railway station with a box.

“Such a sweet gesture! I'm such a lucky boyfriend! You can potentially burn down the kitchen, yet cautiously baked my favourite cake!"

“It's my biggest achievement so far! It's just a friendly gesture! I'm not your girlfriend. We are just seeing eachother!"She was  teasing him again.

“Yeah friends who flirt!" His mom mumbled. She was just pretending being oblivious to  their banters.

“Bye then!"

“Bye Mr. Tutor!" It had been ages since he heard her adress him so.

“Bye mom!" 

“Bye dear! I thought I'm invisible! You finally appreciated my presence! Hahaha." She was being satirical.

“Did you come all the way just to bid him adieu? Also baked a cake?" His mom then was trying to extract some details from Anokhi.

“I have day off!" Anokhi didn't have any great ideas to cover it up.

“He was back after longtime and was leaving again." His mom accompanied to station for the same reason.

“I will ask him to dedicate a MV to parents. How parents feel when kids start flying!" Anokhi tried to cheer her up.

“Honestly, I don't understand how some  women of my age have kids. I feel like a kid myself. I still visit home quite often. My dad would buy my favourite junk foods, mom would oil my hair. I hate the fact that I'm growing up, and that people younger than me exist!" Anokhi said thinking about her family.

“Looks like I gotta console you now!" His mom said patting lovingly.

“What's wrong with me! How long does it take to heal completely?" Aahir was racking his brain worrying about his leg injury.

He was loathing the fact that he needed support to move. He didn't want to burden Shaugun and overly trust his colleagues with business.

“How long can we stop him?" Aahir's dad sounded panicked.

“Don't worry uncle! I will make sure he won't see the doctor!" He overhead his dad talking to Shagun in the hall, presuming he was asleep.

“Are they hiding something?" His anxiety was attacking his mental peace.

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