Chapter 4

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"Rui, it'll be alright, I have everything packed. You'll be carrying the green bag there and I'll be carrying the duffel, yeah?" Concerned indigo eyes under the dark cover of the night glanced at me unwavering, despite the boldness of his plan. Nodding my head hesitantly, I reached and felt around until I found his warm hands. He squeezed reassuringly in response and in that moment I was not afraid at all, because he, my big brother, will be by my side no matter what.

"But Naruto, they're going to find out, and..." he didn't let me finish before his other hand clamped down on my mouth. He glanced around the corner of the dark alley, eyeing the dimly lit road and the low apartment block at the end of it.

"We'll run up there, grab everything we need and come back down before they come back. Don't think, just move," he pulled me into the streetlight gently but firmly and into the apartment.

"Nii-san, I have a bad feeling about this," standing before the black door that I had once foolishly called my safe haven, my legs trembled and I could barely stop a shiver going down my spine.

"Don't think, just do it," with one last smile, he pushed open the apartment door.

"Oh, honeycakes, I thought you would never be back," a sickly sweet voice greeted us, along with lights too bright for an empty house.


"Rui, are you ok?"

Somewhat unnerving yet comforting blue and onyx eyes stole a glance at me from under blond bangs before returning to the traffic ahead. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw his knitted together and mouth in a tight line.

"Is it about Itachi?" he asked softly, like he did not want to press the matter if I don't want to.


"Is it about Itachi?" I asked, my hand on Sasuke's lap. His own pale hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, dark eyebrows knitted together and mouth in a tight line.

"I guess you can say that it is," he answered hesitantly. I sighed and turned my body so I could look at him directly.

"Uchiha, we are getting married. I am going to be called Mrs Uchiha, part of your family. You can tell me anything," I encouraged.

" the last of my family. If I don't have him on my side I'm left alone in this world before I'm an adult."

"So if Itachi rejects you..." He continued, obviously worried about the very thought.

"No, he won't. You see how he treats me," I demanded, knowing how desperate and demanding I sounded, but I must show him that he won't have to choose.

"He will understand me like he understands you. I spent half my life under his roof with my brother, your best friend," I pressed on, "he isn't the kind to push someone away or reject someone for the sake of his own selfish desires."

"What would Naruto say, then?" Sasuke had parked on the side of the road, his black eyes flickered with emotions.

"Yes, because we both understand that the other's happiness is equal, if not, more important than our own. This is the Uzumaki trait, a trait that should be present in all kinds of love. Do you have the courage to do that?" I answered softly.

Sasuke didn't say anything, but the storm of emotions in his smouldering eyes burned out until warm embers remained.

"I don't know."


"Rui? Why are you here?" A tall man with silky, pure, black hair tied up in a low ponytail opened the door. I had told him to hide, and come out only when I say so. Somewhere deep in my conscience, I knew that this might turn into an unintentional cruel joke, but I craved happiness, even when it is drawn someone's pain.

"Itachi nii-san, look who I found," I gestured for him to step out. At first, Itachi looked unimpressed and was about to open his mouth to scold me for dying Sasuke's hair and making him wear contacts when he remembered.




That was what Sasuke and I received when we told Itachi on his doorstep about us getting married. It took me ages to even get Sasuke out of the shadow of the pillar supporting the roof. I could see panic building up in Sasuke's eyes. I guess that our eyes, black and green, were so similar in our reaction to Itachi's stillness that he quickly invited us in before one of us passes out.

"Sasuke, are you serious about this?" he called from the kitchen as we sat on the couch, shoulders touching.

"Yes, nii-san," he replied, face a void of emotions. I could see Itachi grimace at Sasuke's blank and formal look.

"Go ahead then. Why would I stop you?" he replied after a while, a small smile spreading across his face. Both Sasuke and I let out a breath we were unconsciously holding, and timidly smiled in return.


"Go ahead, why would I stop you?" Itachi muttered the same words, but now his face was as emotional as Sasuke's had been once we had finished explaining why we were there.

"Thank you, nii-san!" the man next to me exclaimed, holding my hand tightly. This was Naruto. Wrong reaction.

"Just take good care of her," he turned back into the house and closed the door on us. We didn't even go in once.

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