Chapter 7

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I laid on the cold, hard, wooden floor, trying to catch my breath. The doppelganger had passed out from a long struggle with me, with long scratch marks that echoed his whisker-like indents on his face as evidence.

Soft rays of the sun penetrated the dark horizon as I struggled to sit up, hands hugging myself.

"Neh, who summoned us to the mortal world again?" a familiar scratchy, sandy voice echoed throughout the room. The source of the voice couldn't be tracked down because it came from everywhere, but nowhere at once.

"It's your sister, Usuratonkachi."

I drew in a painful gasp, clutching my throat, where the ghost of the doppelganger's hand still lingered as he attempted to choke me.

"Sis?" I fumbled blindly for the voices until a soft wind caressed my tear-stained cheeks.

"Oh Rui, we're so sorry," I blinked until an outline of a very familiar man came into focus. He was still wearing the tailed suit with perfect gelled black hair.

"Sorry, Rui," the other voice said sheepishly. He had blond hair the colour of the summer sun, and his suit was a scandalous orange.

And at that moment, despite them being only visible out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly felt a rush of a certain emotion I haven't felt since the terrible accident.


They kneeled down until they could be at eye level with me, and I buried my face in my hand, sobbing quietly.

"This time you really came back," after a while, I looked up and forced a smile, brutally kicking the horrible images of the doppelganger out of my mind.

"I know no matter how many times we say sorry, we can't fix what had happened on...your wedding day..." Sasuke whispered softly, trying to wipe away my fresh tears. Yet his fingers passed through, and hastily he drew his hand back.

"Why?" it came out as a croak, but as I repeated the question it became louder, until I was hyperventilating, and trying to make the word nonsensical. Naruto and Sasuke couldn't do anything but look at me, agony in their eyes.

"Take me with you," I could tell a sudden crazy light came into my eyes as I lunged at them, only to fall through air and back on to the ground.

"Rui!" Naruto tried to catch me, only managing to look helplessly as I splatter back on to the ground ungracefully.

"We can, right?" Naruto sat down with his legs tucked under him and bowed his head to hide his misery.

"We...can't," and with that, Sasuke fell on to the ground too, eyes looking like they will shed the first tear in his life if he was still alive.

"Just...not yet, my angel," he smiled, the curve of his lips speaking of adoration. It was then I realised that Sasuke, and Naruto too, were unreplaceable. They had moved on already, and I should be beyond grateful that when I took the doppelganger to see Itachi, he didn't do worse to me.

Because there was only one Sasuke, and only one Naruto in the world.

"I...I love you two. I know what to do now," with an actual smile, I gathered my limbs and stood up. In their eyes was pride that could not be described by any word in the world.

"I told you she would be fine," Naruto smiled, showing blinding teeth.

"Hn," Sasuke replied, and we all laughed.

"I'll probably go to an asylum for this, but I'm more than happy to because it means seeing you," I laughed, clear as day. They seemed to solidify with each happy sound I make until at the end of the laugh, they were almost fully fleshed.

"We will always love you. We have more than enough time to wait for you," Naruto gathered me into his arms, and somehow, I could feel his body heat.

"I know what to do," with another small smile, and encouraging smirks for them, I picked up the phone and dialled 000. 


(Phone record)

"Hello? This is the police. How can I help you?"

"(laughing in the distance) I've killed someone."

"Sorry ma'am...could you repeat that again?"

"I'm calling to confess. I've killed someone."

"Ok, I need your address now."

"No, I'm right outside the police station."

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