Chapter 2

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I lifted my hand up to meet the patch of sun that shone through the thin space between the curtain and the windowsill. But my room does not have the luxury of natural light, since I mostly sleep in the basement, away from the house, memories and walls that I kept running into.

"Sleep well?" Sasuke asked, shifting the blankets with a smug smile on his face. "Another great performance by Uchiha-sama."

"Yes, Sasuke. I did-" my sentence was cut off as I turned around and looked at the boy from last night dead in his eyes. My headache hit and I groaned, bending over.

"Who's Sasuke?" he asked softly, turning towards the kettle on his nightstand.

"He is...was..." I stammered, and cold reality that I have been trying to keep behind a glass wall came crashing down on me, shocking what little sanity I had managed to build up.

"Let's start from the beginning, yeah? I won't push you, but it's best to let it out, as they all say," he patted my bare back soothingly and handed me a mug.

" is, no was, a month ago..."


"Hey man, congratulation!" Kiba came up to me and grasped my outstretched arm. I laughed as he pulled me in for a bro-hug.

"Congrats!" a shy girl with pale orbs called Hinata said shyly.

"Thank you for coming, guys" I grinned, setting down their gift.

"Oi, how long have you guys been going out for?" I waved for a servant to take over my job of welcoming guests.

"Like, half my life so far," I replied, watching in amusement as surprise dawned on both their faces.

"10 years? And he's never set his eyes on anyone else?" Hinata nudged Kiba and looked towards a beautiful blond and a pinkette dressed in fancy evening dress that left not much to the imagination.

"Yeah, and we all thought he was asexual!" Kiba guffawed, catching attention from people around us.

"Marry him. He's fricking dedicated," Kiba added, tucking away a stray curly from my eye.

"I am," I laughed as I twirled around in my white wedding dress.

"Well, after tonight," he wiggled his eyebrows, making both Hinata and I punch his tuxedo arm. "You're officially his."

A small blush blossomed over my cheeks as both their eyes widened.

"You're already...? Is it as good as his face" I stomped on Kiba's feet and walked away, a full out sunset now on my cheeks.

"Hey bimbo, where's your hubby?" The blonde from before, Ino, smirked.

"Maybe he changed his mind and left you here to be humiliated," Sakura sniggered.

"Sorry barbies, but the reason Sasuke and Naruto aren't here is that Naruto forgot the wedding ring," a man with spiked hair in a black tux stepped between us before I could rip the girl's hair out.

"Excuses, excuses," another girl with fiery red hair and cat-eye glasses called Karin smirked and lifted her champaign, before walking away with a cold laugh.

"May the guests take a seat as we wait for the most organized groomsman to arrive," a voice came over the telecom, earning a few laughs.

Minutes ticked by as everyone fluttered around to different tables. A pale boy with somewhat feminine features called Sai was flirting with Ino, and strangely, she had a blush on her cheeks. On the other side of the ballroom, Karin and Sakura sat next to each other and whispered, yet by the way they were leaning towards each other and patting each other on the back, there seems to be more to them than being hormone driven heterosexual plastics. A hundred or so guests filled the room, with the chandelier barely providing enough light to let them see ten feet in front of them.

But soon minutes ticked by in tens, and soon, an hour and a half have passed. Everyone by now was in their seats, whispering about the missing groom and sipping their wine.

"Juugo, Suigetsu, what happened?" I gripped my wedding dress tightly. The evening banquet may not be that important, but to Sasuke, everything had to be perfect. I remember him freaking out when no one lifted my train when I walked the aisle in church this morning.

"We don't know either. I'm pretty sure that your brother is driving, and in addition to being super organized, he likes to ignore advice and take wrong turns just to piss your husband off," Suigetsu shrugged.

Then two hours ticked by, and still, there was no sign of them. I began to panic.

"Stop! Mrs Uchiha, you can't ruin your makeup!" one of the servants came forward with a tissue to wipe away stray tears and sweat drops.

"Call Uzumaki! Call that idiot!" I yelled, startling some of the guests.

"I think calling your husband would be better," Juugo muttered as Shikamaru ran forward with a phone in his hand.

"Hello, I'm Shika-"

The genius stood in silence as the person on the other end spoke. I couldn't make out anything solid but I was sure that I heard "truck" and "highway" somewhere in there.

Impatient, frustrated and panicking, I snatched the phone from his hands and he made a wild grab to get it back. But I had hopped off the stage and ran to the back in silence.

"Mrs Uchiha?" a woman said from the other end. I clutched my wedding dress until the silk creased and my knuckles turned white.

"Y..yes?" I answered, an ominous feeling coming over me.

"Uchiha Sasuke-san and Uzumaki Naruto-san were involved in an accident along with a truck on the highway," she spoke in a steady voice. Shikamaru came over and gave me his hand to hold on to.

"The owner of the truck has deceased..." her voice finally wavered a little.

"What about them?" I asked, feeling terror in every molecule of my body.

"They...their car was...knocked off the highway by the truck...on to the cliffs...there is no confirmation that they survived."

Doppelgänger (SasukexOC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang