Chapter 19: What's cookin'

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We walked along the steadily sloping path for a long time, following the trail's sharp curves around large boulders and the trails jagged rock walls until the path crested over a hill. I stayed low to the ground as we peeked out into the new flat area.

There was some kind of base on the cliff's edge, built around the natural unruly structure of the rock. There was a large spotlight overlooking the space, sweeping back and forth over the camp. A few figures were pacing around with guns like they were on patrol. Even at the distance we were crouched at I could see the sickly gray tone to their skin.

Beyond the few soldiers, there was a trail sloping up and out of site between two natural stone structures. Two guards stood on either side of the path, guns in hand.

"See that trail at the back?" I whispered to Leon who nodded in response, "She's gotta be beyond there."

"What's the plan? And do not say winging it or I might have an aneurysm."

"Well that really limits my options," I muttered, eyes scanning the area, noting the obstacles and enemies in our path.

There was some kind of cave a few yards to our right, carved directly into the stone. The section we could see through a makeshift window was painted in an orange glow from a lantern. Dark shadows moved back and forth in the light. It seemed like everywhere I looked an armed puppet wasn't far off.

"I don't see any way we're sneaking around with that many guys patrolling."

Leon thought about it for a moment. "Then we'll need a place to situate ourselves. I'd imagine these guys are a pretty shit shot, but we can't just run out there exposed."

I paused, eyes skipping to the storage containers and barrels dotting the yard. There was a clump of large rocks near the edge of the yard, with a crate tucked behind it.

"That one off to the side, we can use it as a blockade."

It would work, a good third of our flank would be the cliff face, and we could see anything coming our way.

"Alright." Leon looked toward me as he pulled out his pistol. "Stay low until we get there, then take out any that have guns first." I mirrored his actions and gave him a nod. 

He led the way toward our impromptu barricade, keeping low to the ground and using the rocky terrain to hide our progress as much as possible. Most of the ganado were idle, clearly not expecting intruders. Maybe they'd expected Salazar to finish us off. I wonder if Saddler would somehow sense his subordinate had fallen. If we were lucky, he felt some kind of pain from the blast.

We ducked behind the rocks with none of the boneheads around us the wiser.

Leon quickly surveyed our surroundings, counting out the ganado and noting all of their weapons. I followed his lead, but when my gaze landed on an army green gun case to my side, curiosity reared it's head. I quietly unclipped the case, and lifted the lid.

A new SIG 556 machine gun gleamed from it's place in the dark gray foam, like it was just waiting for me. A childish grin spread across my lips like I had just claimed a prize from the top shelf at the arcade. I pulled the new weapon from the case, testing its weight in my hand before pocketing the few spare magazines left in the crate.

After a second, I realized Leon was looking at me, an amused smile on his face, "Are you ready?" 

"Absolutely," I grinned.

We both shot to my feet, firing at the closest pair of pacing guards and dropping them to the ground. Shouts and curses filled the air as the rest of the small compound was suddenly very much aware of our presence.

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