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1/14/22: Welcome back for another batch of Ninjago Incorrect Quotes!


*the TV is freaking out*

Kai: Don't worry, you have to treat an electronic like you treat a patient on life support.

*unplugs the TV, then plugs it back in again. nothing changes*

Kai: Yeah, that didn't work with my grandma either.


Chen: Did you take out Kai as I requested?

Skylor: Kai has been taken out, yes. 

Chen: You have my grat- 

Skylor: It was a great restaurant. 

Skylor: We had a romantic candlelit dinner. 

Skylor: Kai proposed afterwards- we're filing the wedding papers.


Lloyd: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends. 

Kai: ... Your what? 

Lloyd: My friends. 

Nya: Are they saying "friends"? 

Cole: I think they're being sarcastic. 

Jay: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Lloyd! All of your friends are in this room. 


Young Lloyd: I'm very scary. 

Cole: You're about as scary as a wet kitten. 

Young Lloyd: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me. 

Cole: And small. 

Young Lloyd: 

Young Lloyd: ...Yeah, yeah. I guess. 


Cole: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Cole. 

Zane: But you're Cole. 

Cole: Kinda stuck. It's a long story.


Kai: How does that even work? 

Cole, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! 

Kai: Your face doesnt make sense.


Lloyd: What does the doggy say? Bow wow. 

Jay: What does the kitty say? Meow meow. 

Cole: What does the moo cow say? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 


*Young Lloyd is stealing candy*

Zane: Lloyd, is that legal? 

Young Lloyd: When there's no cops around, anything's legal! 


Jay: Is it just me or is instant ramen even better uncooked? 

Nya: It's just you. 


Kai: Are you ready to commit? 

Skylor: Like, a crime or a relationship? 


A/N: Hope y'all enjoyed 'em!

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