Climbing The Tower

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Your POV

You, Deku and Iida lead Shoto, Uraraka, Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Mineta and Melissa up the tower in hopes of getting the security system in their control. As you did you all came to a stop and saw the floor number on the wall. "Level 30." Iida said. "Wait Melissa how high does this go?" Deku asked. "The 200th floor." Melissa said. "The what?!" Kaminari asked. "That's way too many stairs!" Mineta said. "But it's still better than running into villains." Momo said. "Less talking more running. Lets go." You said as you all continued the climb up the stairs.

From floor 40, to floor 50 and 60, it was then that you and the others ran into a dead end. Going past the 80th floor was a reinforced door blocking you all from going up any further. "What should we do break through it?" Shoto asked. "If we did that then the system would alert the villains that someone's in here." Melissa said. "Then why don't we go through this door?" Mineta asked grabbing onto the door handle. "Wait don't!" Melissa said but it was too late as Mineta opened the door and a red light came on the panel. You came behind Mineta and smacked him in the back of his head. "You idiot! These doors are connected to the security system! Now the villains will know we're here!" You said angry. "We'll worry about that later. Lets just find another way up the tower." Deku said as you all went down the hallway in search for another way up.

"Is there another way up?" Shoto asked. "There should be another emergency staircase down at the other end of the hallway." Melissa said. Then you saw multiple emergency doors starting to shut in front of you and behind you. Up ahead you saw a exit that was about to be closed off until you jumped up raising your hands in the air grabbing into the emergency door stopping it from closing. "Shoto!" You shouted. "On it!" He said creating solid ice to hold the door open as Iida ran past and used his engine quirk to destroy the door to another room. "This way!" He said as e everyone followed behind.

You and the others then found yourselves in a large green room with a bunch of plants. "What is this place?" Deku asked. "A plant factory. They research the affects Quirks have on Fauna here." Melissa said. You then put your fist in the air making everyone stop. "Akio? What is it?" Iida asked. "Someone's coming from the elevator." You said as you saw the Elevator coming down. "We should hide and let them past. Quick!" Deku said as he and the others went behind some bushes but you didn't. "Akio! What are you doing?!" Momo asked. You looked at them and placed a finger up to your mouth. "Quiet. No matter what don't come out." You said as you heard the elevator open. You looked and saw five guys with military vest come out of the elevator. One had a weird shaped head with skinny arms, one was small and chubby, one had red skin and four arms, one had some chains wrapped around him and the last one was tall and had a face mask on.

"Hey kid, what are you doing all the way up here?" The weird head shaped one asked. "Why is that any of your concern Ostrich." You said. "Eh? You got a big mouth kid." He said then his hands grew in size. "I won't ask again kid. What are you doing up here?" He asked again. All you did was cross your arms and clicked your tongue. "What makes you think you can intimidate me fish hands." You said making him growl. "Hold on man. I think that's the kid the boss was talking about." The small chubby one said. "Yeah your right. And we saw other kids too on the cameras." Said the four armed one. "Yeah your right. Why don't you tell us where your friends are kid and we won't hurt them." Said the one with the face mask. "What friends? I don't have any friends here with me." You said.

"DON'T LIE TO US!" The small one yelled as he grew bigger and his skin turned purple. He charged at you ready to throw a punch but you caught it as your body was engulfed in flames. "Bad dog." You said as you threw him into a wall. The one with large hands then fired what looked liked air out of his hands and at you. You dodged it as it hit a wall making part of the wall disappear. Then the masked one's skin started to turn silver and he charged at you tackling you back. You then wrapped your arms around his waist and threw him on the ground hard. Then chains grabbed you by your arm and tried to pull you but you grabbed the chains and swung the guy controlling them into a tree. Then the four armed guy punched you in the face making you take a step back. He was about to punch you again until you jumped up and kicked him in the head. The purple guy then tried to grab you from behind but you shot a ball of fire at his face making him fly over you. "Yeah. Come on!" You said as you swiped the air a wave of fire came from you hitting the villains to the ground.

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