Untitled Part 2

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So much planning.

Avery would have to wear traditional clothing to the Indian wedding of his.

Avery is the type of guy that when it comes to traditional cultural clothes he always wears the more fem opinion. he's okay will filling the more traditionally fem role but he's still a man and never will be someone wifey , he's a man and always will be. 

So he would be wearing a lehenga and a during the ceremony he would be wearing a panetar which he learned was a type of sari when he went wedding outfit shopping.

Usually a bride would wear that but Avery doesn't wear traditional mas presenting outfits.

Navin would be wearing a Sherwani which is the outfit a groom wears.

Avery is a groom so he would normally would wear a Sherwani to his wedding but he's not wearing one.

Their outfits will be red.

Avery was outfit shopping with his mother, both his grandmothers, his future mother in law Shakti and the future grandmother in law Samira.

Avery knew for a fact that if the wedding engagement photos were taken and posted he would be accused of cultural appropriation, even after each wedding he would have this happens anytime he wore something from Navin's culture and he couldn't just not do that everyone would think he's hates Navin's culture.

The Indian wedding would be paid for using the money Navin's parents saved for him when he gets married, his family is old money rich on both sides.

The American one will be a outdoor wedding so it will be cheap.

The Korean one will be lovely.

When Avery's great grandmother died she left money for all of her great grandkids for when they get married since her wedding was at a court house to save money until she ended up with money.

So the Korean wedding was paid for.

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